Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump Administration Family Separation Policy

New polling shows that the Trump Administration's family separation policy is widely unpopular, with only Republicans supporting it. That last fact, though, is why Trump is unlikely to change the policy.

Four new polls show that most Americans oppose the Trump Administration’s six-week-old policy of separating parents and children at the border, but each poll also finds that roughly half of Republicans support the policy.

First up, there’s a new poll from Quinnipiac:

Roughly two-thirds of U.S. voters oppose the Trump administration’s controversial policy of separating children from their parents who cross the U.S. border illegally, according to a Quinnipiac Poll released on Monday.

Sixty-six percent of those surveyed opposed the policy. The vast majority of Democrats surveyed — 91 percent — opposed the policy, compared with 35 percent of Republicans. Only 7 percent of Democratic voters support the policy, while 55 percent of Republicans support it

The poll comes as both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have denounced the “zero tolerance” policy that has resulted in parents being separated from their children as they’re prosecuted for illegal immigration. President Donald Trump on Monday doubled down on the policy and blamed Democrats for holding up immigration reform legislation.

Photos from facilities where children separated from their parents were being held also went viral this past weekend after they showed young immigrants in cages, lying on green mats and using Mylar sheets for bedding.

While roughly one-third of Republicans oppose the Trump Administration’s family separation policy, 55% say that they support it. The poll also finds that roughly half of American voters believe that the Administration is being too aggressive in deporting undocumented immigrants, with 86% of Democrats taking this position while 51% of independents and 10% of Republicans take this position as well. Some 13% of voters believe that the Administration is being aggressive enough, and roughly one-third of those surveyed believe the White House is taking the right amount of action at the border. The Quinnipiac poll also has some interesting findings on a number of other immigration-related issues:

  • 79% of those surveyed the idea of allowing so-called Dreamers, which includes beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program while just 15% oppose that idea. Among Democrats, 94% support the idea while 80% of Independents support it, and 61% of Republicans support it;
  • 58% of those surveyed oppose the construction of President Trump’s border wall, while 39% support it. Among Democrats, 92% of those survey oppose the border wall and 62% of self-identified Independents oppose the wall. Republicans, on the other hand support the wall 77% to 17%;
  • 67% of those surveyed support the idea of illegal immigrants staying in the country and allowing them to eventually become citizens while 8% support allowing them staying in the country without the option of becoming citizens. Among Democrats, 88% support the idea of illegal immigrants being allowed to stay and become citizens while 65% of Independents support the idea. Among Republicans, somewhat surprisingly, 48% support allowing immigrants to stay and eventually become citizens

In addition to the Quinnipiac poll, there’s a new poll from CNN:

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration’s practice of taking undocumented immigrant children from their families and putting them in government facilities on US borders, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Only 28% approve.

But among Republicans, there is majority support for the policy that has resulted in an uptick of children being separated from their families.

The separations are the end result of the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of criminally charging people who cross the border illegally.

The new poll numbers follow harsh criticism that President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are receiving after implementing the new policy.

“The United States will not be a migrant camp and it won’t be a refugee holding facility,” Trump said Monday.

The President was meeting with House Republicans at a conference to discuss this policy. Trump has suggested it may be a bargaining tool to get Democrats to cave on immigration demands and has placed the blame on the opposing party for not doing something rather than on himself or his administration for enacting the “zero tolerance” policy.

The controversial policy does have support in subgroups, particularly among Republicans, 58% of whom approve of it. Outside the GOP there is much less support. Just 5% of Democrats and 27% of independents approve. Sixty-two percent of the people who approve of the job Trump is doing as President also approve of the immigration policy and so do 51% of self-described conservatives.

And another from CBS News:

Sixty-seven percent of Americans call it unacceptable to separate children from parents who’ve been caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally. Much of this is driven by large percentages of Democrats (90 percent) and independents (66 percent) who find it unacceptable, while Republicans are more divided overall, with 39 percent calling it unacceptable, and one in five had not heard enough about it. Older, very conservative Republicans are more apt to say it is acceptable, while younger and more moderate Republicans do not.

President Trump’s handling of immigration, generally, gets lower approval now — at 35 percent — than it did in May when it was 40 percent. Overall approval from Republicans has declined ten points to 73 percent now, from 83 percent in May

Americans who agree with the separation policy are more likely to be white, very conservative, evangelical, older, and to live in rural areas than those who find the policy unacceptable. They also overwhelmingly approve of how the President is handling immigration, more generally – at a greater rate than any partisan group.

Finally, another poll from The Daily Beast finds roughly similar numbers:

Nearly every day, voters have been confronted with heart wrenching stories about immigrant children being separated from their parents upon crossing the border into the United States.

The president incorrectly blames his administration’s policy on Democrats, but regardless of his attempt to pass the responsibility, self-identified Republicans have his back, according to a new Ipsos poll done exclusively for The Daily Beast.

The poll of roughly 1,000 adults aged 18 and over, and conducted June 14-15, asked respondents if they agreed with the following statement: “It is appropriate to separate undocumented immigrant parents from their children when they cross the border in order to discourage others from crossing the border illegally.”

Of those surveyed, 27 percent of the overall respondents agreed with it, while 56% disagreed with the statement. Yet, Republicans leaned slightly more in favor, with 46% agreeing with the statement and 32 percent disagreeing. Meanwhile, 14 percent of Democrats surveyed supported it and only 29% of Independents were in favor.

In s normal situation, of course, such numbers would cause an Administration to take a good, long look at the policy they adopted and realize they made a mistake. At the very least, this would happen because it seems clear that the longer this goes on and the more we hear the individual stories of parents and children who have been separated the more public opinion will turn against the Administration. As Aaron Blake notes at The Washington Post, though, with this President all that matters is what his base thinks. This is something that has been clear for a long time, of course. From the beginning of his Administration, this President has shown that he is perfectly fine with taking positions that are opposed by most Americans as long as his own party in general, and the hardcore members of his base in particular, support it.

It is, I suppose, not surprising that the Trump Administration’s latest atrocious policy decision is supported by a majority or near-majority of Republicans. Time and again, Republicans have shown that there is literally nothing that Donald Trump can do or say that they will condemn him for and that they will continue to support him even when it is blindingly obvious that what he’s doing is wrong. As both James Joyner and myself have noted several times over the past two months — see here, here, here — the Republican Party is basically Donald Trump’s party now. Generally speaking, of course, it’s typically the case that members of a President’s party are supportive of his policies, but the extent to which Republicans in the Trump Era have become essential cult-like in their adherence to the agenda set by this Administration even when it becomes clear that what the Administration is doing, or what the President is saying wrong. This becomes especially true when it comes to an issue such as this, which raises what would seem to be a fundamentally immoral and cruel policy that did not need to be implemented. Instead of seeing that, while we are seeing many people on the right speak out against it they are generally people who have already expressed their opposition to the Trump Administration generally and President Trump specifically. Other Republicans, specifically those on Capitol Hill as well as the vast majority of the Republican base, are either demonstrating that they are afraid to speak out against this President or that they support these policies. Whichever it is, they are demonstrating either moral cowardice or complete and utter depravity.


FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, Public Opinion Polls, US Politics, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Michael Reynolds says:

    Whichever it is, they are demonstrating either moral cowardice or complete and utter depravity.

    Yes. Not just deplorable but depraved and despicable. The Republican Party is not just wrong, it is evil.

  2. Liberal Capitalist says:

    Here is something right out of a nightmare…

    Ann Coulter states that the children are not traumatized, but that they are “child actors”.

    “These kids are being coached,” she said. “They’re given scripts to read by liberals. . . . Don’t fall for the actor children.”

    “These child actors weeping and crying on all the other networks 24/7 right now; do not fall for it, Mr. President,” she said, staring directly into the camera. “I get very nervous about the president getting his news from TV.”

    (She’s clearly missing the irony there, with that last comment)

  3. reid says:

    @Liberal Capitalist: Scripts from liberals…. Hilariously stupid, but tragic that such stupidity has such a loud voice and wide audience.

  4. KM says:

    @Liberal Capitalist :
    How the f^ck do you coach a two year old to do anything, let alone follow a specific script? Unless the script is “cry your heart out because mommy /daddy are gone God knows where” in which case life mirrors art so……

    Laura Ingraham is calling them “Summer Camps”. They are in full on propaganda-mode here to minimize how horrifying this is and the damage it’s doing. They’re doing this because even their supporters are having trouble with baby-snatching and every new BS excuse they come out with just makes them sound like the lying SOBs they are. These kids are legit scared and legit crying and Trump did that. Republicans did that and continue to do that willingly. Those aren’t crocodile tears but the tears of an innocent child ALONE with strangers for MONTHS. Do these heartless bitches really think kids are happy in their cages / tent city, running around playing without a care? That older kids aren’t going to be bullying the smaller ones, that cliques/gangs aren’t forming for protection, that when the guards are out of sight bad things can happen because children can be just as cruel as adults?

    Again, we’re creating a generation of people who are going to hate our guts for no reason other then Trump doesn’t want brown people taking asylum in the US. Future generations are going to look back and think we deserved whatever karma has in store for us.

  5. MBunge says:

    I have to state for the record what a comfort this place is. In the last 17 months, so many people like Rich Lowry, Ben Shapiro, and even Jonah Goldberg have said and written nice things about Donald Trump. These fools are acting like Trump ISN’T the source of all evil in the world, that “Trump sucks” isn’t the ONLY answer to every question. It’s so reassuring that know I can come back to OTB where it is still and forever the day after the November 2016 election and nothing has, is, or ever will happen that would require anyone to reconsider their understanding of Trump, America, or anything.

    I mean, that mindset has worked out so well up to now…hasn’t it?


  6. al Ameda says:


    It’s so reassuring that know I can come back to OTB where it is still and forever the day after the November 2016 election and nothing has, is, or ever will happen that would require anyone to reconsider their understanding of Trump, America, or anything.

    I have to agree with you on this.
    The 2016 election was a hostile takeover of the country be a minority of the voters, a minority of Americans.

  7. Michael Reynolds says:

    You support tearing children away from their mothers and putting them in cages as a ‘deterrent’ and a ‘bargaining chip.’ And you knowingly lie to justify it. You have no standing to speak to decent human beings. Crawl off and find a hole.

  8. reid says:

    @MBunge: Don’t you ever get tired of posting this stuff? Trump proves every day that he’s an amoral, lazy fool and utterly incapable of doing his job properly.

  9. KM says:

    No, these aren’t cages, The authorities simply “built walls out of chain-link fences.” @SteveDoocy

    Yes, that’s a real quote from Fox just now. Tell me Bunge – what do you call a small area that’s fenced in on all sides and prevents you from leaving by being locked? Oh right, a CAGE!

    But hey, we don’t “understand Trump, America, or anything.” We don’t understand your definitions of words and how butthurt you are that nobody seems to love Trump like you do. Why’s everybody being so mean to him when he does mean stuff? I mean, he’s just building tent cities to hold all the kids he’s taking away from their families! Why can’t we talk about “nice stuff” like that fact that he’s taking away kids from their families and that should stop them from coming here! Gawd, it’s like nobody *gets* you, ya know? Why can’t they say nice things about your dude and respect your feelings and honor your safe space? So very emo of you.

    You sir are what George Orwell’s Insoc would have called a doubleplusgood bellyfeel duckspeaker. You think in feelings, not facts and only care about what praises your cause regardless of how their actions actually affect the world. Most people can’t understand someone like you because well, we’re not in your cult and never will be.

  10. CSK says:

    @Liberal Capitalist:

    Well, where else is Trump going to get his news other than from television? He can’t be expected to read.

  11. Liberal Capitalist says:


    It’s so reassuring that know I can come back to OTB where it is still and forever the day after the November 2016 election and nothing has, is, or ever will happen that would require anyone to reconsider their understanding of Trump, America, or anything.

    I mean, that mindset has worked out so well up to now…hasn’t it?

    Mike – If I can venture a guess, your nice comment here with all it’s smarmy attempted schadenfreude is based on the idea of enjoying a good dose of them “liberal tears”.

    No doubt, you are part of that 30% of the voters seem to just love some “it’s great if it pisses off the liberals” no matter the outcome or impact of the move.

    And if you think that what this is, then you are missing the point.

    Paul Krugman stated it the point well, today:

    What we’re witnessing is a systematic rejection of longstanding American values — the values that actually made America great.

    America has long been a powerful nation. In particular, we emerged from World War II with a level of both economic and military dominance not seen since the heyday of ancient Rome. But our role in the world was always about more than money and guns. It was also about ideals: America stood for something larger than itself — for freedom, human rights and the rule of law as universal principles.

    The only thing that has changed in November 2016 is that someone let the racists and ignorant take the reigns of the country. Nearly every crisis we deal with today is self-induced.

    So if you come here and expect people not to be concerned with this administration destroying our moral high-ground and Pax Americana, then you will continue to be disappointed.

    And we will continue to be appalled by small minds like yours.

  12. CSK says:
  13. Bob@Youngstown says:


    Again, we’re creating a generation of people who are going to hate our guts

    and these kids, particularly the fostered out pre-teens, will become the backbone of our own homegrown terrorists.

  14. HarvardLaw92 says:


    nothing has, is, or ever will happen that would require anyone to reconsider their understanding of Trump, America, or anything.

    Correct. The nice thing for our side is that Trump is being exactly who and what we said back in 2016 that he would be.

    The problem for your side is that Trump is being exactly who and what we said back in 2016 that he would be.

    You’re so caught up in your desire to get your revenge on the “elites” that you resent and despise (and that is all that your little performance here has ever been about) that you’re failing to see the iceberg.

    If you were truly a conservative, the long-term, structural damage that this clown is doing – to both your party and the viability of your political philosophy – would have you deep into inchoate rage.

    That you’re instead bubbling up with the rhetorical equivalent of “Nannie Nannie boo boo” to people you resent says everything that needs to be said about you.

    And the value of your commentary.

    Question though? Has your life actually improved out there in whatever flyover hellhole you call home as a result of Trump? I’m willing to bet not. I can tell you that I’m set to have a banner year thanks to your moron idol.

    I wouldn’t wait for any of that windfall to trickle down any time soon though 🙂

  15. Kylopod says:

    @Liberal Capitalist:

    Here is something right out of a nightmare…

    Ann Coulter states that the children are not traumatized, but that they are “child actors”.

    “These kids are being coached,” she said. “They’re given scripts to read by liberals. . . . Don’t fall for the actor children.”

    This seems to be something of a theme on the far right: whenever there’s news that inconveniences them, they claim it was staged by actors. It’s like when Alex Jones last year claimed the Charlottesville protesters were actually left-wing Jewish actors playing Nazi dress-up.

  16. Michael Reynolds says:

    For @Bung it’s all about imagining himself taking a big jump in status. He actually thought by now we’d all be eating crow and he’d be strutting around saying, ‘I told you so.’ Instead he and the rest of his cult actually managed to lose status. They’ve gone from deplorable to despicable.

    The historical judgment of Trump voters is sealed. They will be the cautionary tale on the limitations and dangers of democracy. Ten years from now you’ll have as hard a time finding a former Trump voter as you’d have had finding a German in 1955 who’d admit to supporting Hitler.

  17. MarkedMan says:

    Doug, the post you quoted and to some extent your expansion of it, danced around a significant outcome of that poll: a majority of Republicans are in favor of this plan. This is not Trump’s doing, rather, Trump is the result of what the Republican Party has evolved into.

    It’s not even close. 55% of Republicans support, and another 6% are unsure. On an issue such as this being unsure is equivalent to acceptance. Nearly two thirds of Republicans are on board with this. This is the Republican Party These are the modern day Republicans.

  18. Kathy says:

    When you consider the worst thin that all these people being abused at the border would do is find work, the policy is nothing short of gratuitous brutality for the sake of brutality.

    If you support this policy, there’s something wrong with you.

  19. MarkedMan says:

    @Michael Reynolds: Ithink you are right. I saw at least one post-Watergate poll that showed that if people had actually voted as they claimed on the questionnaire that Nixon would have lost in a landslide.

  20. CSK says:

    And don’t forget that:

    The Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag operation staged by Obama to accustom the public to martial law.

    No one died at Sandy Hook. The children, the teachers, the parents, the emergency service people, the police, and the staff of the surrounding hospitals, and the medical examiner’s office were all crisis actors. Again, this was staged by Obama to encourage the wholesale seizure of firearms.

  21. inhumans99 says:


    Mbunge…every effin day you come by to post this type of comment in a random OTB thread, honest to God good sir/maam, what point are you trying to make?

    The commenters on OTB strike me as well-educated folk so we would be happy to engage with you but you are not giving us anything to work with. As I replied to you in another post all you do is come by to say “I love President Donald Trump,” and then you run away. So odd.

    I know you are into pop culture as I have seen you comment at the comicsbeat site so why don’t you mix things up by dropping into a random thread like this one and talk about how much you loved (or to be fair, did not like) Incredibles 2…it would not much sense to talk about a film in regards to this post, wait…what’s that you hear, I am wrong and can actually tie a discussion of Incredibles 2 into the conversation of these kids in detention camps, yup…now that I think about it perhaps someone will arrange for a special showing for these kids (at least the ones who are tweens or older with a warning about the strobe light scenes as that can trigger a response in some folks).

    Seriously my friend, your I heart President Trump posts are just boring as heck, mix it up…variety is the spice of life.

  22. MBunge says:

    See, I’m so glad I never have to worry about encountering nonsense like THIS here at good ol’ OTB.


  23. Yank says:

    If you were truly a conservative, the long-term, structural damage that this clown is doing – to both your party and the viability of your political philosophy – would have you deep into inchoate rage.


    Hopefully a potential rout in November will be a wake up call for these people.

  24. Daryl and his brother Darryl says:

    The people you allow to think for you are pathetic.
    Seriously…you need to upgrade.
    Or…here is a novel idea…try thinking for yourself.

  25. An Interested Party says:

    This is yet another in a long series of polls that show that most Americans oppose Republican ideas as well as the GOP’s odious leader…makes you wonder how they have so much power when so much of their agenda is so disagreeable…

  26. MBunge says:

    I mean, it never stops with these whack-jobs and their loony ideas that Trump isn’t Hitler 2.0! Have they no shame?


  27. Daryl and his brother Darryl says:

    we all know you are a coward and won’t answer for anything you post…but just the same.
    From your link:

    That means that if their parents do not arrive at a point of entry to claim asylum, and instead violate the law by crossing the border illegally, they will be arrested

    However…the fact is that people are being turned away at the POE’s. The head of the DHS admits it. This leaves people seeking refuge from a deadly situation little choice…chancing illegal entry is better than dying where they came from.
    Again…I know you won’t answer, much less consider that your man-crush is an incompetent racist.
    But it’s fact.

  28. Liberal Capitalist says:


    See, I’m so glad I never have to worry about encountering nonsense like THIS here at good ol’ OTB.

    The idea of your comment was answered well in a tweet to the post that you shared:

    It’s your ACTIONS that cause the outrage, not our reporting on your actions. This is narcissism 101, Trumpanzee.

    Mike, are you going to keep being a Trumpanzee?

  29. inhumans99 says:

    Sorry folks, I tried to get MBunge to go in another direction. I am in sales and pretty good at my job but there is always that horse you lead to water that will not drink (heck, I recognize that sometimes I am seen by others as that horse, but I have a sense of self-awareness).

    Short term the base may be rallying to cheer lead our President for sticking to his guns but long-term damage is being done to the GOP brand. I just wonder how long it will take before some GOPers who can still think for themselves come to this conclusion and reach across the aisle to formulate a compromise.

    For no particular reason I am going to throw this in here, did anyone see the story about Seth MacFarlane donating $2.5 million to NPR after being embarrassed by Tucker Carlson saying the only trustworthy news source is Fox news and advised his listeners to not watch anything else.

    I remember that I was not the biggest Tucker Carlson fan back in his CNN Crossfire days but he was usually pretty good at articulating the point he was trying to make even if I ultimately disagreed (but sometimes I said…hmmm, maybe he has a point), but the current incarnation of TC is a hollow shell of the TC from his Crossfire days, and I never thought he would take the path that he did. The short version is that I did not think Tucker Carlson was susceptible to joining a cult but hey, I was clearly wrong.

  30. Kylopod says:


    but the current incarnation of TC is a hollow shell of the TC from his Crossfire days

    I noted that the other day. Like you I was never a fan of his. I found him irritating, and I always loved Jon Stewart’s smackdown of him that reportedly led to the cancellation of Crossfire. At the same time, I had a sort of begrudging respect toward him. He usually seemed earnest and straightforward, and while I strongly disagreed with him on most issues, his views did not strike me as off-the-wall or extreme. (Of course I did not watch his program regularly so it’s possible he was saying asinine things more than I realize.) At some point he totally sold out–possibly when he created The Daily Caller and started running stories about how the color of the Obama family’s dogs proved their black radicalism.

    The biggest surprise to me wasn’t that he joined the Trump cult, it was his descent into white nationalism, something I would not have foreseen from his Crossfire days, when the only pundit on that show with views along those lines was Pat Buchanan, who back then never seemed to be more than an oddity in the MSM universe.

  31. wr says:

    @MBunge: ” In the last 17 months, so many people like Rich Lowry, Ben Shapiro, and even Jonah Goldberg have said and written nice things about Donald Trump.”

    Even Jonah Goldberg??? Wow! Imagine that — the man who wrote a book claiming that liberals are actually fascists is supporting Donald Trump! As are several other right-wing writers whose entire ability to make a paycheck depends on not pissing off Republicans who like Trump. And they all say nice things about him? Man, that’s pretty astonishing.

  32. Hal_10000 says:

    In about ten years, there will millions of Trump supporters who will say they never supported Trump and knew he was bad all the time.

  33. Daryl and his brother Darryl says:


    they never supported Trump and knew he was bad all the time.

    The only alternative was to elect someone who had used her personal email for work…so, really, what choice did they have?

  34. Liberal Capitalist says:

    @Daryl and his brother Darryl:

    The only alternative was to elect someone who had used her personal email for work…so, really, what choice did they have?

    I LOL’ed. That was the earth-shattering issue, wasn’t it.

    Simpler times.

  35. al Ameda says:


    I mean, it never stops with these whack-jobs and their loony ideas that Trump isn’t Hitler 2.0! Have they no shame?

    Heck, Laura Ingraham says that basically, these detentions caps are summer camps.
    I’m pretty sure that Mao, Staling or Hitler would have agreed.

  36. An Interested Party says:

    The biggest surprise to me wasn’t that he joined the Trump cult, it was his descent into white nationalism…

    I wonder how many other “conservatives” that would apply to…the conservative movement is certainly being shredded and disgraced by its current “leader”…

    In about ten years, there will millions of Trump supporters who will say they never supported Trump and knew he was bad all the time.

    Oh, just like George W. Bush…maybe Republicans will produce a decent president some day…

  37. Mister Bluster says:

    Simple solution.
    Round up all the american Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan and all the other white power junkies like that sik fuk Spencer and throw them in jail.
    Then let the migrants settle in their homes.

  38. Andre Kenji de Sousa says:

    I’m seeing Brazilians seeing pictures of children in cages and thinking that’s a photomontage or that the image is fake. People did not believe that Trump would put little children in cages. And I bet that ISIS, the Russians and North Korea are using these images as propaganda.