Joe Manchin Becomes ‘Independent’

The Democratic gadfly is performatively ‘leaving’ the party.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

Missouri Attorney General Refers 12 Catholic Priests For Prosecution For Child Abuse

The effort to bring Catholic Church officials to justice for their decades of criminal conspiracy and child abuse continues to move forward.

The Kavanaugh Nomination Heads Toward Its Inevitable Outcome

The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is, effectively, assured. Democrats should be careful about how much further they push their opposition.

West Virginia Supreme Court Bars Third-Party Candidate From Ballot

The West Virginia Supreme Court has ruled that a candidate who lost the GOP primary for Senate cannot run as the nominee of another party due to the state’s “sore loser” law.

Republicans Dodge Two Bullets In Arizona Senate Primary

With Martha McSally pulling off a decisive win, Arizona Republicans managed to avoid the disaster that likely would have occurred had either Kelli Ward or Joe Arpaio won last night.

West Virginia Secretary Of State Bars Third-Party Bid By GOP Primary Loser

The Secretary of State of West Virginia has barred Don Blankenship, who came in third place in the GOP Primary, from mounting a third-party bid on the November ballot.

Third-Party Candidate Could Pose Problems For GOP Hopes Of Flipping West Virginia

Don Blankenship, who came in third in the Republican Primary in West Virginia earlier this year, is moving forward with plans to run as a third-party candidate in the General Election.

Republicans Growing Confident Of Holding The Senate

Republicans are at least a bit more confident that they’ll hold on to the Senate this year.

Republicans May Still Have To Worry About Don Blankenship In West Virginia

Although he came in third place in the GOP primary, Don Blankenship is now running as a third-party candidate and could potentially be a problem for Republicans in November.

First West Virginia Poll Shows Morrisey Leading Manchin

Joe Manchin looks to be facing a strong challenge from Patrick Morrisey.

Haspel Faces Questions About Torture, But Her Confirmation Seems Assured

Gina Haspel faced some tough questions from Democrats regarding her role in the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 torture programs, but she’s likely to be confirmed anyway.

Republicans Dodge A Bullet In West Virginia

Republican chances to hold the Senate were boosted in West Virginia last night thanks to the fact that a fringe candidate was soundly defeated.

The Rise Of The Trumpidian GOP Candidates

Whether Don Blankenship wins or loses in West Virginia, his success is yet another example of how Donald Trump has changed the GOP for the worse.

National Republicans Pushing Back Against Upstart, Racist Candidate In West Virginia

National Republicans are increasingly concerned that an upstart, racist candidate who has unleashed personal attacks on Mitch McConnell’s family will sneak through and win tomorrow’s primary to decide who will face Joe Manchin in November.

Same-Sex Marriage Goes From 19 States To 29 States In One Week

In the space of one week, we’ve gone from 19 states that recognize same-sex marriage to 29. Soon, it will be 35.