GOP Campaign Against Birthright Citizenship Falling Flat

The Republican campaign against birthright citizenship doesn’t seem to be gaining the kind of support they expected.

An Implication of Removing Birthright Citizenship

Wherein only one of the various consequences of altering the current status of birthright citizenship is considered: more paperwork for us all.

What’s Really Behind The GOP Rhetoric Against Birthright Citizenship

Is the GOP really serious about changing the citizenship rules in the 14th Amendment ? Not likely.

Birthright Citizenship Review

Senate Republicans want to rethink the 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship for people born in the U.S.

More Signs of Anti-Muslim Sentiment

A number of disturbing incidents point towards increased anti-Islam hostility in the United States.

Lindsey Graham Takes Aim At “Anchor Babies”

Immigration “moderate” Lindsey Graham is suddenly sounding not so moderate.

Iroquois Passports OK in UK, Not USA

The Iroquois lacrosse team has been caught in a classic Catch-22. The U.S. government won’t recognize their passports and they won’t use U.S. passports as a matter of principle.

Hitler Comparisons and Bad History

Contrary to popular belief, Adolf Hitler didn’t come to power by democratic means or because of his ability to whip the public into a frenzy.

Obama Lost Confederacy