In Many States, It’s A Midterm Election In Name Only

In many states, there aren’t really any races at all this year even if both parties have candidates on the ballot.

Sarah Palin Says It’s Time To Impeach Obama

What could possibly go wrong?

Lindsey Graham’s Tea Party Challenge Fades Away

The GOP “establishment” keeps beating back challenges.

Mark Sanford’s Political Redemption Is Complete

Apparently, there is an off ramp on the Appalachian Trail

Cory Booker Wins New Jersey Senate Race

Mayor Booker is now Senator-Elect Booker.

Boehner, Cantor Turned Down Invitation To Speak At MLK Anniversary

And Republicans wonder why they have problems with minority voters.

Republican Political Calculations On Immigration Reform: Complicated, And Contradictory

There are risks to Republicans in blocking immigration reform, but there are also incentives for them to block immigration reform. Getting past that contradiction to passage isn’t going to be easy.

Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Mattered

Rand Paul’s filibuster is one that all American’s should thank him for that.

How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.