Trump and the Silent Majority

Republicans want him but do they really, really want him?

Patricia Schroeder, 1940-2023

The trailblazing Congresswoman is gone at 82.

National Enquirer Voters

The fading tabloid still has significant influence.

Late-Entering Presidential Candidates Rarely Win

History shows us that candidates who enter the race for President late rarely do well, and rarely manage to win.

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet Joins The Democratic Field

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet is the latest entrant into the race for the Democratic nomination for President, and the field isn’t done growing.

John Hickenlooper, Former Colorado Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest entrant into an already crowded Democratic field.

Patrick Caddell, Carter Political Adviser During 1976 Campaign, Dies At 68

Patrick Caddell, who helped Jimmy Carter win the Democratic nomination and White House in 1976, has died at the age of 68.

John Glenn, First American To Orbit Earth, Dies At 95

Godspeed, John Glenn.

Yes, Trump is the Frontrunner, but…

Polls are quite useful in the right circumstances, but knowledge, complexity, and timing all have to be taken into account in determining what they are telling us.

No, Ben Carson Is Not Being Subjected To ‘Unfair’ Scrutiny

Ben Carson and his supporters would have you believe that he is being subjected to unprecedented and unfair scrutiny. That assertion is completely false.

Democratic Donors Not Eager For Biden To Get Into The Race

Top Democratic donors don’t really seem very eager for Vice-President Biden to enter the race for President.

Rick Perry Begins His Improbable Attempt At An Unlikely Comeback

Rick Perry is hoping to do something that hasn’t happened before in American politics, come back from a campaign that imploded.

Martin O’Malley Launches Quixotic Run For The White House

Martin O’Malley is running for President for some reason.

Martin O’Malley To Enter Presidential Race

Maryland’s former Governor will announce his candidacy for President next week. Don’t expect him to go very far.

News Media Mostly Ignoring Iraq War Critics

When it comes to Iraq, the media only seems to be giving Americans one side of the story.

Limited Strikes, Limited Utility, Unlimited Fallout

We’re almost certainly going to launch punitive strikes against Syria. They’ll almost certainly be ineffective.

Has Social Media Taken The Sting Out Of Political Scandal?

Does the public still care about the personal transgressions of politicians? The evidence seems to suggest they don’t.

Draft Hillary? The Political Hackery Of Pat Caddell & Doug Schoen

“Democratic” Pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are out with another wacky Op-Ed.

Ranking the 2012 Contenders: Communications Skills

Are Marco Rubio, Haley Barbour, and Mike Huckabee the favorites to win the White House?

Caption Contest Winners