The Real Star Wars Films

Restored versions of the original movies are now available in 4K. They’re likely not legal.

Some Thoughts on “Cancel Culture”

Thomas gets the ball rolling, and I take off from there.

Peter Mayhew, Actor Behind Chewbacca’s Mask, Dies At 74

I sense a great disturbance in the Force. As if a billion voices are crying out “No, not Chewie!!!!”

Forty Years Ago Tonight: The Star Wars Holiday Special

Forty years ago tonight, the Star Wars universe came to television in a production so bad that it makes Jar Jar Binks seem positively Shakespearean by comparison.

Carrie Fisher Dies At 60

Rest in Peace, Princess. May the Force be with you.

A Spoiler Free Review Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You’ll be happy, Star Wars fans. And, don’t worry, no spoilers here.

A Record Breaking Opening Weekend For Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Perhaps not surprisingly, the newest film in the Star Wars saga is breaking all kinds of records.

New Star Wars Movie Coming in 2015

George Lucas has sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney, which has announced a new Star Wars movie for 2015.

George Lucas To Continue Killing Star Wars In Blu-Ray Release

George Lucas is once again “enhancing” his epic films for the upcoming Blu-Ray release.