Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

International Sitrep

A capsule look at the world situation as 2010 draws to a close.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.

Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

Obama Administration Steps Back Into Israeli/Palestinian Quagmire

Once again, an American President is stepping into the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, once again, he has no idea how to accomplish the goals he’s established.

Informal Talks Between the Turks and Israelis (and Some Cabinet Trouble in Israel?)

Israel and Turkey held secret, informal talks recently. This is interesting, given the recent flotilla incident. What is more interesting is that the Israeli Foreign Minister learned of the event via the press.

Scenario 3 It Is

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