The Tea Party Lost Badly In 2014, But It’s Not Going Anywhere

The death of the Tea Party is greatly exaggerated.

Ebola In The Age Of 24/7 News And A Broken Political Culture

Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.

Battle For Senate Control Tipping Towards The GOP?

Two weeks after it seemed to be tightening, there are signs the battle for control of the Senate may be moving in the GOP’s direction.

Third-Party Candidates Poised To Play Big Role In Deciding Senate Control

Third-party candidates in several states could end up having a big say in the battle for control of the Senate.

Race For Senate Control Tightening

Republicans still have an advantage, but Democrats seem to be holding their own in the battle for Senate control.

What Republican Wave?

So far at least, there is no evidence that 2014 will be a “wave election.”

Tea Party Set To Lose Its Final Two Battles In Kansas And Tennessee

The Tea Party v. “establishment” battle in the GOP has been pretty one-sided this year.

Odds Point To A GOP Senate Takeover

Signs continue to suggest that a GOP Senate takeover is likely.

Tea Party Support Hits All-Time Low

More bad news for the Tea Party.

The Tea Party’s Nebraska Battleground

A Tea Party battle in the Cornhusker State

The Tea Party’s Candidate Selection Problem

From the beginning, the Tea Party has shown itself to be just plain bad at picking candidates. This year, they finally seem to be on the verge of paying for it in the GOP primaries

Republican Candidates Behind In Key Senate Races

It’s a bit too early for Republicans to be celebrating that Senate majority that so many people are predicting.

GOP In Good Position To Grab Senate Control In 2014

The GOP’s chances to take over the Senate became much better over the weekend.

Texas Senate Passes Abortion Bill

Texas has become the latest state to attempt to restrict abortion rights, and North Carolina isn’t far behind.

Obama Cut Taxes? Really?

Remember that $400 tax cut President Obama gave you? Neither do 90 percent of Americans.