Looking to the Design of the Electoral College

Of the institutions designed by the Framers, the electoral college is the one that deserves the least amount of defense if one’s defense is predicated on assumptions of the genius of said framers.

Obama Re-Election Keys

A political scientist whose formula has correctly picked every presidential winner since 1984 says Barack Obama will be re-elected.

Kill This Bill

Much like bills named for dead children, there’s a very high likelihood that any bill with “protecting children” and/or “pornographers” in the title is a) a very bad idea, b) a very stupid idea, c) of dubious Constitutionality, or, as here, d) all of the above.

Allen West is an Embarrassment

Freshman GOP Representative Allen West is a loose cannon and unfit for office.

Debt Ceiling Concerns: Much Ado about Nothing?

Should we assume that a deal will eventually be struck and simply stop paying attention to the debt ceiling debate?

Racial Gerrymandering and Idiots

Cynthia Tucker regrets her support for majority-minority districts.

Quorum Rules

A commenter asks, “Why does Wisconsin have a quorum rule if not for situations like this?”

Representation in the House: The Wyoming Rule

One simple proposal on the size of the House of Representatives.

435 Representatives: Unconstitutional?

Is Congress too small and unequal to do its job?

Redistricting as the Spoils of Elections

The winners of state legislatures in November will have a great deal of influence over Congressional elections for the next decade. Should it be that way?

Robert Byrd Dead at 92

Senator Robert Byrd has died at 92, after years of poor health.

Hitler Comparisons and Bad History

Contrary to popular belief, Adolf Hitler didn’t come to power by democratic means or because of his ability to whip the public into a frenzy.

Pelosi on SOX

Whither Protest?