Reactions To Iran Nuclear Deal About What You’d Expect

The Iranian nuclear accords are barely 24 hours old and some people have already made up their mind about them.

Rand Paul Tries To Explain Why He Signed The Cotton Letter To Iran, And Fails

Rand Paul now says he signed the Cotton Letter to strengthen the Administration’s bargaining position.

Tom Cotton and Mutiny

The president is the commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. He’s not commander-in-chief of the United States.

Senate GOP’s Letter To Iran Likely To Achieve Exactly The Opposite Of What It Intends

Senate Republicans have done more harm to the goal of stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons than they have done good.

Can Hillary Expand The Electoral College Map In 2016? In An Important Sense, It Doesn’t Matter

An adviser close to Hillary Clinton is talking about expanding the Electoral College map in 2016, but even without such an expansion the GOP faces an uphill battle.

With GOP Wins, The Tea Party v. Establishment Battle Moves Into The Halls Of Congress

The GOP’s big wins last week seem to be just guaranteeing that this year’s battle between the Tea Party and the “establishment” will continue.

Minimum Wage Initiatives Win At Ballot Box, But Fail To Help Democrats Politically

Increasing the minimum wage proved to be popular at the ballot box Tuesday, unsurprisingly, However, it did not help Democrats on the same ballot.

With One Week To Go, The Midterms Are Looking Good For the GOP

Things are looking good for the GOP to take over the Senate, but there are still several right races that could tip the balance one way or the other.

Ebola In The Age Of 24/7 News And A Broken Political Culture

Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.

Race For Senate Control Tightening

Republicans still have an advantage, but Democrats seem to be holding their own in the battle for Senate control.

What Republican Wave?

So far at least, there is no evidence that 2014 will be a “wave election.”

Odds Point To A GOP Senate Takeover

Signs continue to suggest that a GOP Senate takeover is likely.

Good News For Democrats In The South?

A new poll indicates that Democratic candidates are holding their own against Republican challengers in three southern states.

The Tea Party’s Candidate Selection Problem

From the beginning, the Tea Party has shown itself to be just plain bad at picking candidates. This year, they finally seem to be on the verge of paying for it in the GOP primaries

Republican Candidates Behind In Key Senate Races

It’s a bit too early for Republicans to be celebrating that Senate majority that so many people are predicting.

Congressional Republicans Wake Up To Post-Shutdown Poll Headaches, Will It Matter In 2014?

Polling looks bleak for the GOP right now, but it’s unclear what that will mean a year from now.

Another Poll Brings Bad News For The GOP, But Will It Matter Come Election Day?

The GOP’s approval numbers have fallen like a stone, but it’s unclear whether this will matter in 2014.

GOP Swings And Misses At Clinton Benghazi Hearings

Despite some tough questions, Congressional Republicans didn’t land a glove on Secretary of State Clinton.