Iranian Proxies Kill Three American Soldiers

Further escalation is inevitable.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023

The Case of the Missing SECDEF

A truly weird story.

America’s “Family Secret” or Just Plain Denial?

Slavery is an inextricable part of our past, whether we want to talk about it or not.

Chinese Exclusion

A bill in Alabama would bar Chinese nationals from buying property in the state.

Barring Kids From Social Media

An odd set of Senators have a really bad idea.

The Experts Were Wrong on COVID

Hubris has set back the cause of science.

Biden Not Vetoing Popular Bill!

Some Democrats are angry!

N=1 Means, Well, Not a Lot

No one should draw conclusions about RCV from the AK special election.

US Acknowledges Providing ISR Support to Ukraine

The Defense Department shares the worst-kept secret about the war effort.

Example of Why Individual Defense Advocates Are Rare on the Federal Bench

Republicans competing to see who can be the toughest on crime

Women Likely to be Included in Draft

A long-overdue change appears to be happening.

Wuhan Lab Leak Moves from Hoax to Theory

The fact-checkers blew this one and blew it big.

POW/MIA Flag Back Atop White House

Stoking a bizarre fantasy that will not die.

President Joe Biden signs two executive orders on healthcare Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. President Joe Biden signs two executive orders on healthcare Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House.

Biden’s Slow Appointment Process

Key posts across the government remain unfilled.

Manchin Opposes Tanden for OMB

The Senate’s last conservative Democrat is taking President Biden’s call for unity seriously.

National Guard Sleeping in a Garage!

What we have here is failure to communicate.

Ousting Trump Early Incredibly Unlikely

The President of the United States is a national security threat. Can we get rid of him now?

Expect at Least Three Objections Tomorrow

AZ, GA, and Pa are on the table.

A Post-Trump Republican Party

What would a reborn GOP look like and who would vote for it?

Larry Hogan 2024

Could a blue state governor be the future of the Republican Party?

Trump Picks Eugene Scalia, Son Of Late SCOTUS Justice, As Secretary Of Labor

President Trump has named his pick for Labor Secretary.

Senate Rejects Competing Proposals To End Government Shutdown

The Senate rejected Republican and Democratic proposals as expected but there are some signs of movement forward.

Jim Webb For Secretary Of Defense?

Former Senator and Denocratic Presidential candidate Jim Webb is reportedly being considered for Defense Secretary.

Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Criminal Justice Reform

The Senate overwhelmingly passed major reforms in Federal sentencing and related laws. As the name of the bill implies, it’s a first step, but a good first step.

McConnell, Other Republicans, Blocking Criminal Justice Reform [Updated: Vote To Go Forward]

Senator Mitch McConnell and others are blocking a criminal justice reform bill currently pending in the Senate.

What Is The Proper Role Of Cabinet Members And Presidential Advisers?

As a general rule, Presidents are entitled to have a Cabinet and advisers he is comfortable with, but a Cabinet full of “yes men” is not ideal with any President, and certainly not with this one.

Senate Rejects Four Different Proposals To Extend DACA Benefits

The prospect for a fix to help DACA beneficiaries is looking gloomier than ever.

Trump’s Immigration Plan Meeting Opposition, From Republicans

The White House’s immigration plan is facing opposition in both chambers of Congress from moderate and conservative Republicans alike.

Government Shutdown Looms As Friday Approaches

With only days to go, Congress seems unable to come up with either a funding deal for the Federal Government or a solution to the DACA issue.

Rex Tillerson Appears To Be On The Way Out

It appears that Rex Tillerson’s days at the State Department may be numbered, but his proposed replacement leaves a lot to be desired.

An Analogy on Hierarchy (and the Lack thereof) in Party Behavior

An attempt to explain the consequences of institutional design.

Trump Decertifies Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Weapons Agreement

Despite the fact that everyone seems to agree that Iran is complying with the nuclear weapons deal, President Trump took steps that will undermine that agreement and do serious damage to American credibility around the world.

Decertifying The Iran Nuclear Deal Would Be A Foolish, Potentially Dangerous, Error

Reports are indicating that President Trump will decertify the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. This would be a foolish and potentially dangerous mistake.

Restricting Immigration Does Not Lead To More Jobs For Americans

The fundamental premise at the heart of the immigration bill that President Trump backed earlier this month has no merit whatsoever.

Trump Endorses Plan To Cut Legal Immigration By Half

The President has endorsed a bill that would cut legal immigration in half.

Trump Selects Lt. General H.R. McMaster To Be National Security Adviser

President Trump has actually made a good pick for National Security Adviser. As with the rest of his foreign policy team, though, the question is if he’ll listen to him.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Silenced By Senate During Debate On Sessions Nomination

There were fireworks on the floor of the Senate last night, but it was really just politics as usual.

Republicans Against Legal Immigration

Two Republican Senators are introducing legislation that would result in drastic reductions in the number of people allowed into the country legally.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

John McCain Says Republicans Will Refuse To Confirm Any Clinton SCOTUS Nominee

John McCain said that Senate Republicans will unite to block any Supreme Court appointment by a President Hillary Clinton.

Sluggish Economic Growth, The Federal Reserve, And The 2016 Election

Another sign of a weak economy as the Federal Reserve considers rate hikes and the Presidential campaign moves forward.

Some Republicans Already Looking Ahead To 2020

The 2016 Republican Convention is barely halfway over, but some Republicans are already looking ahead to 2020.

Quick Release Of American Sailors Shows The Value Of Diplomacy

Ten American sailors detained by Iranian forces late Tuesday were released early today, something that seems to clearly demonstrate the value of diplomacy.

Voters Would Blame Republicans For Government Shutdown, Poll Shows

Some Republicans are threatening a government shutdown over funding of Planned Parenthood, but a new poll shows that it would be a big political risk for Republicans.

As Far As Europe Is Concerned, The Debate Over The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Over

Congress is set to debate the Iran nuclear deal next month, but as far as Europe is concerned the debate is already over.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Iran Nuclear Deal Struck, Reactions Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Depending on who you listen to, it’s either peace in our time or an epic catastrophe.

Sen. Tom Cotton Thinks War Against Iran Would Be Easy And Painless

One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.

Rand Paul Dodges Questions About Changes In His Foreign Policy Positions

Rand Paul has changed position on several foreign policy issues, but he doesn’t seem to want to talk about it.