Alabama Says Frozen Embryos Are Children

A narrow ruling in a civil case could have huge consequences.

Education Politics

Inane, effective, and part of a far broader ideological debate.

Religious Exemptions From Vaccine Mandate

What malarkey is this?

Holy Days and Holidays in a Diverse Society

Balancing practical considerations and religious observances.

SCOTUS: States Can’t Ban Clergy from Death Chamber

A rather odd non-ruling during the non-session from America’s highest court.

SCOTUS Allows Subsidies for Religious Schools

A seemingly obvious result that isn’t.

Trump Emoluments Suit Dismissed Over Standing

A federal appeals court has ruled that DC and Maryland officials have no right to bring the suit.

Supreme Court Holds That Maryland Peace Cross Can Stay On Public Land

The Supreme Court ruled that a World War One memorial that had been on public grounds for 70 years can stay where it is.

Previewing A Busy June At The Supreme Court

Starting tomorrow, we should be getting some headline-grabbing opinions from the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Appears Likely To Let ‘Peace Cross’ On Public Property Stay In Place

The Supreme Court appears to be leaning toward letting a war memorial on public property stay in place.

Separation Of Church And State Back Before The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is set to hear oral argument in a case involving a World War I Memorial in the form of a cross on public land in Suburban Maryland.

Religious Liberty For Christians Only?

A death penalty case from Alabama raises First Amendment issues that the Supreme Court chose to brush aside.

Supreme Court Accepts Case Involving Maryland’s War Memorial Cross

There’s a new church/state separation case on the Supreme Court’s docket.

Supreme Court Upholds Final Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

In a ruling that largely relies on the authority granted by Congress to the President to regulate immigration on national security grounds, the Supreme Court has upheld the final version of the Administration’s travel ban.

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban

In a 5-4 party-line vote, the High Court declared that the Constitution and Federal Law give the President broad authority over immigration.

Federal Judge: Trump Cannot Block People On Twitter For Political Reasons

A Federal Judge in New York has ruled that President Trump cannot block users from reading his tweets.

Why Do We Have Congressional Chaplains To Begin With?

The incident involving Paul Ryan and the House Chaplain has raised some questions.

After Controversial Removal, Ryan Reinstates House Chaplain

After hastily removing the House Chaplain under unclear circumstances, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has reversed himself.

Supreme Court Appears Skeptical Of Challenge To Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court heard oral argument in the challenge to President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. It didn’t appear to go well for the challengers.

Fourth Circuit Strikes Down Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another day, another Court ruling against the Trump Administration.

Supreme Court Takes Up Appeal Of Order Barring Enforcement Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the Government’s appeal of the Trump Administration’s revised Muslim Travel Ban

Supreme Court Strikes Down Bar On Secular Aid To Church-Run Schools

The Supreme Court ruled today that states may not exclude church-run schools from an aid program with a wholly secular purpose.

Supreme Court Considers Church-State Separation Case

The Supreme Court heard oral argument yesterday in a case dealing with whether Missouri can deny a religious school from participating in a program to make school playgrounds safer.

Appeals Court Judges Appear Skeptical Of Federal Government’s Defense Of Muslim Travel Ban

By the end of last night’s oral argument, at least two of the three judges hearing the appeal of the stay on the President’s Muslim travel ban appeared to be skeptical of the Federal Government’s arguments.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Law Granting Special Protections To Same-Sex Marriage Opponents

Mississippi tried to provide special protection to opponents of same-sex marriage and transgender rights. A Federal District Court Judge, properly, finds the law to be unconstitutional.

John Kasich Wants To Create A Government Agency To Spread Religious Propaganda

John Kasich wants the United States Government to create an agency to spread ‘so-called ‘Judeo-Christian values.’

Defying A Court Order, Kentucky Clerk Refuses To Issue Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

A Clerk in Kentucky appears to be headed for a showdown with a Federal District Court Judge that she is destined to lose.

Idaho Ministers Threatened With Jail For Refusing To Perform Same-Sex Wedding Ceremonies

A collision between marriage equality and religious liberty, but it seems clear that religious liberty should win this one.

Louisiana May Jail A Catholic Priest For Refusing To Break The Seal Of Confession

A case out of Louisiana raises serious First Amendment issues.

Is The Law That Saved Hobby Lobby Unconstitutional?

Is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act itself an unconstitutional Establishment of Religion barred by the First Amendment? There’s a compelling argument that it is.

Supreme Court Declines Review Of Bar On School Graduations In Churches

The Supreme Court declined to review a lower court ruling that public school graduations in churches are unconstitutional.

Once Again, The Supreme Court Upholds Legislative Prayer

The Supreme Court has again ruled that prayers that open legislative sessions are not unconstitutional.

Michigan Mayor Permits ‘Prayer Stations’ At City Hall, Bans Atheists, Violates Constitution

Someone needs to give the Mayor of Warren, Michigan a lesson on what the First Amendment means.

What’s At Stake In The Birth Control Mandate Cases

Politics aside, the challenges to the PPACA’s birth control mandate raise important legal issues.

Paul Ryan Panders To Religious Right On School Prayer

For some reason, Paul Ryan decided to talk about school prayer this weekend.

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Exemption To Employment Discrimination Laws

A far-reaching decision from the Supreme Court protecting religious liberty.

Rick Perry Declares War On The First Amendment

In a desperate bid to save a floundering campaign, Rick Perry is willing to sacrifice important freedoms.

Rick Perry: Evolution Just “A Theory That Is Out There”

Like Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry has something to say about evolution today and he handled it very differently.

Why I Like The ACLU

Virginia Families Sue Over Ten Commandments In Classrooms

A county in the far southwest corner of Virginia is the latest battle ground in the ongoing battle over the separation of church and state.

Arizona Hates The Constitution, Loves Nullification

Arizona looks to be the latest state to try to revive the discredited doctrine of nullification.

It Doesn’t Matter If It’s Allah, Jesus, or Aqua Buddha: Why “Separation Of Church And State” Exists

An incident at a school in England provides us with an object lesson in why the often derided concept of separation of church and state is an important part of protecting individual liberty.

Almost Everything You Know About The Supreme Court Is Wrong

Not surprisingly, American’s partisan views on the Supreme Court are pretty much wrong.