CIA Wanted Tamerlan Tsarnaev on Terrorist Watch List in 2011

The CIA unsuccessfully lobbied to put Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the eldest of the Boston Marathon bombers, on the counterterrorism watch list in 2011.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Miranda, And The Public Safety Exception

What Miranda does and does not cover and what consequences follow if police do not comply.

24/7 News Even When There’s No News

A sensational story, little solid information, and instant analysis are a bad combination

The Day CNN Melted Down In Boston

Yesterday was not a good day for the Cable “News” Network.

Yes, Bush Administration Used Torture

A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.

Report: U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11

A new report confirms that the United States did engage in torture in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

Shooting Sprees vs Organized Terrorist Attacks

We treat violence by lone individuals differently than organized violence. Race, religion, and national origin have nothing to do with that.

A Word About Jumping To Conclusions, Boston Edition

There’s a lot we still don’t know about what happened in Boston, so maybe it’s time to stop speculating.

The Background Check Deal: Grandstanding Or Good Idea?

The Manchin/Toomey proposal on background checks isn’t perfect, but it isn’t horrible either.

Secret McConnell Tape Records Politicians Being Politicial

Mother Jones’s recording of a secret McConnell campaign strategy meeting is much less than meets the eye.

Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF. Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF.

American Charged With Using Weapon of Mass Destruction that Isn’t a Weapon of Mass Destruction

An American fighting with Syrian rebels faces life in prison for firing an RPG against a government we’re trying to oust.

Killing Terrorist Leaders Prolonging War on Terror?

Targeting terrorist leadership may be counterproductive.

Internet Surveillance State

All of us being watched, all the time, and that data being stored forever.

LBJ Tapes: Nixon Sabotaged Vietnam Peace Talks

The final release of President Lyndon Johnson’s tape recordings reveals a bizarre plot.

National Security Letters Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal judge has ruled National Security Letters violate the First Amendment’s free speech guarantees.

Sheldon Adelson Violated Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The gambling mogul is self-reporting violations of the law against bribing foreign officials.

Alabama Hostage Safe After FBI Kills Kidnapper with Help of Military Drone

A 5-year-old Alabama boy is safe after authorities killed his kidnapper.

Gun Control Proponents Are About To Face Political Reality

The ultimate impact of the Newtown tragedy on the nation’s gun laws is likely to be very limited.

Gun Deaths To Pass Car Deaths By 2015

Firearms are set to pass the automobile as the instrument for American deaths.

Racist Ezra Klein Counts Blacks As American. Hey, Wait . . .

The Internet is a weird place.

George Zimmerman Files Defamation Suit Against NBC

George Zimmerman’s attorneys have filed a defamation lawsuit against NBC News.

Does The New Stolen Valor Act Pass Constitutional Muster?

Congress is trying to re-write a law that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional in June. Have they succeeded?

The Answer to the Benghazi “Scandal”?

Has Petraeus provided the basic explanation for the administration’s immediate responses to Benghazi?

Petraeus Debunks Petraeus Conspiracy Theories

People continue to spread conspiracy theories explaining the “real reason” that David Petraeus’s extra-marital affair became public.

The Petraeus Scandal And The Surveillance State

If nothing else, the Petraeus affair is teaching us a valuable lesson in just how extensive the Surveillance State has become.