Milley’s Soft Coup

While well-intentioned, the Chairman’s actions were illegal and dangerous.

Avril Haynes Biden’s Director of National Intelligence Nominee

She’d be America’s first woman intelligence chief.

U.S. Was Poised To Strike Iran Last Night, Then Trump Pulled Back

The planes were apparently in the air, and the ships in position, for an American attack on Iran last night. Then the order to pull back came in.

Politicizing Intelligence

Yet another violation of norms by the 45th President.

John Bolton’s Absurd Excuse For Ignoring The Evidence Of Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder

National Security Adviser John Bolton offered an utterly absurd explanation for why he had not listened to the tape of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.

The Saudis Continue To Lie About Jamal Khashoggi, And Trump Is Letting Them

It’s been a month since Jamal Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate in Turkey. The Saudis are continuing to lie about it, and the Trump White House is letting them get away with it.

Saudi Arabia Finally Admits Jamal Khashoggi’s Death Was Premeditated

Saudi Arabia’s story about the disappearance and death of Jamal Khashoggi continues to “evolve.”

John McCain Was A Strong Moral Voice Against Torture, America Should Be Grateful

Throughout the War On Terror, John McCain stood out as a strong moral voice against the use of torture against prisoners. For that he deserves the thanks of a grateful nation.

Senate Democrats Throwing In The Towel On Kavanaugh?

Senate Democrats appear to be recognizing that there’s basically nothing they can do to stop the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Jon Huntsman Pushes Back Against Calls To Resign In Wake Of Trump’s Helsinki Disaster

Jon Huntsman, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, is rejecting calls that he should resign in the wake of what everyone seems to agree was a disastrous summit meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Gina Haspel Confirmed As C.I.A Director

As expected, Gina Haspel was confirmed as C.I.A. Director yesterday despite her controversial record when it comes to torture.

Red State Democrat Doug Jones To Vote Against Haspel Nomination

At least one red state Democrat will be voting against Gina Haspel.

Gina Haspel Nomination To Be C.I.A. Director Has A Clear Path To Confirmation

With a third Democrat crossing the aisle to support her, Gina Haspel now has the votes she needs to become the next C.I.A. Director.

White House Leakers Leak Why They’re Leaking

The Trump White House has leaked more than any in recent memory. Some of the leakers have explained what motivates them.

White House Aide Jokes About McCain Dying

When it comes to the Trump White House, the fish rots from the head down.

McInerney: Torture ‘Worked’ on John McCain

Another data point demonstrating that a distinguished military career doesn’t preclude being an awful human being or a crackpot.

Haspel Faces Questions About Torture, But Her Confirmation Seems Assured

Gina Haspel faced some tough questions from Democrats regarding her role in the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 torture programs, but she’s likely to be confirmed anyway.

On Eve Of Confirmation Hearing, Haspel Suggested Withdrawing CIA Nomination

With the start of her confirmation hearings just days away, Gina Haspel’s nomination to be C.I.A. Director is by no means secure.

Republicans Are Failing The Profiles In Courage Test

Profiles in courage? With Republicans in the Trump Era, it’s more like profiles in cowardice.

Ralph Peters Suddenly ‘Ashamed’ of Fox News After Decade of Appearances

The network’s longtime “strategic analyst” is “ashamed” of his association because they’ve become a “propaganda machine.”

Gina Haspel Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah (But She Pushed to Have Tapes Destroyed)

ProPublica has retracted an explosive but erroneous report about the nominee to be the next CIA Director.

The Pompeo And Haspel Nominations Could Be In Trouble In The Senate

The nominations of Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel could be in trouble in the Senate.

Trump’s Pick For New C.I.A. Director Has a Troubling Record On Torture

By all accounts, Gina Haspel is exceedingly well qualified to be the next C.I.A. Director, but she has a troubling past that the Senate will need to at least force her to answer questions about.

Tillerson’s Ouster Was Hardly A Surprise

While the nature of Rex Tillerson’s firing as Secretary of State was shocking in its abruptness, taken in context with the rocky nature of his tenure it was hardly surprising.

Tillerson out at State

Next up: Pompeo