White Self-Pity

White America is within thinkable distance of a moment when it will no longer be the majority.

Redistricting and Race

While Republicans will likely take over some key governorships and state legislature after November’s midterms, America’s changing demographics will limit their ability to gerrymander safe districts.

Blog Comments a Tragedy of the Commons

Comments sections on larger blogs seem inevitably to turn into cesspools. Is it worth trying to stop it happening?

Governor Brewer Retracts Beheading Claim (Kinda)

Governor Brewer walks back he beheadings claims.

So Much For The Illegal Immigration “Crisis”

The idea that we are in the middle of an illegal immigration crisis is not supported by the evidence.

Arizona Governor Needlessly Freaks Out Over Human Rights Report To U.N.

An obscure U.N. human rights report has become the latest political outrage of the day in the battle over Arizona’s controversial immigration law.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

John McCain Poised To Crush J.D. Hayworth In Arizona Primary

After surviving the worst of a hard-fought primary campaign against J.D. Hayworth, Senator John McCain is probably pretty pleased with himself right now.

2010 Election About Big Things

Republicans should hammer big themes — the loss of jobs, the poor health of the economy, reckless spending, increasing the size/scope of government, and tax increases — and avoid getting bogged down in policy details this campaign season.

8% US Births To Illegal Aliens

A staggering 8 percent of all babies born in the United States in 2008 were offspring of illegal aliens. What are the public policy implications?

GOP Campaign Against Birthright Citizenship Falling Flat

The Republican campaign against birthright citizenship doesn’t seem to be gaining the kind of support they expected.

Northern Virginia Tragedy Becomes Part Of National Immigration Debate

A fatal car crash on a country road in Northern Virginia has become part of the national debate on over illegal immigration.

Birthright Citizenship Review

Senate Republicans want to rethink the 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship for people born in the U.S.

Congressmen, or Six Year Olds ?

The United States Congress is starting to resemble a grade-school playground.

Immigration And Crime: Facts Are Stubborn Things

The link between immigration and crime rates that many immigration opponents point to simply does not exist

Lindsey Graham Takes Aim At “Anchor Babies”

Immigration “moderate” Lindsey Graham is suddenly sounding not so moderate.

Death and the Arizona Border

Yes, a lot of people are dying on the Arizona border, but the cause is not the drug war. Rather, it is simple fact that crossing the desert on foot is a dangerous proposition. (And this is not a new phenomenon).

Rubio Does not Want Proliferation of SB1070s

Marco Rubio doesn’t want to see the proliferation of SB1070s to other states.

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Crime in AZ

Arizona has been experiencing a massive increase in violent crime of late, right?

Radically Misdiagnosing the Problem (Jan Brewer and Illegal Immigration)

Are the majority of illegal immigrants drug-runners? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks so.

Martians Can’t Sue

Bush Pardons Sparingly

Fixing the GOP Redux