Supreme Court Appears Sympathetic To Some Parts Of Arizona Immigration Law

The Solicitor General had another bad day in Court yesterday.

Mexicans Leaving USA, Sneaking Back Into Mexico

The American economy is so bad that people are reverse migrating to the Third World.

Republicans Trying To Mend Fences With Hispanic Voters, But It May Be Too Late

Republicans are finally starting to realize that they are in trouble with Hispanic voters.

GOP Hispanic Outreach is on Fire!

A new poll shows the current level of GOP support in the Hispanic community.

Republican Candidates Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

A new poll shows just how badly the GOP is doing among Hispanic voters.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Warn Republicans On Losing Hispanic Voters

Two prominent Florida Republicans are warning their party about losing the support of the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group.

State of the Union Post Mortem

The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Clash In Subdued Tampa Debate

Monday’s debate in Tampa was a far more subdued affair than what we saw last week.

Rick Santorum’s Disturbing Foreign Policy Vision

Rick Santorum’s foreign policy positions are troubling in many respects.

The ‘Anti-Israel’ Charge

Vehement disagreement with the policy views of a country and prejudice based on immutable traits are not the same.

Why Ron Paul’s Campaign Has No Future Beyond Iowa And New Hampshire

Ron Paul is doing well right now solely because of the unique characteristics of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

If They Would Just Build a Fence

After all, securing the border is easy and the forces driving cross-border illicit activities can be curtailed with enough force and security.

The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

Mitt Romney’s Immigration Problem

Mitt Romney’s health care plan subsidized health care for illegal immigrants.

Herman Cain’s Bizarre Immigration Plan: Electrify The Border Fence

Like his tax plan, Herman Cain’s immigration plan is not serious.

Alabama Immigration Law Causing Produce To Rot In The Fields

Another case of the law of unintended consequences.

More Effects of Alabama’s Immigration Law

Alabama immigration law causing parents to withdraw children from schools.

The Ongoing Insanity of US Border Policy (Fencing off Citizens Edition)

Another entry in the ongoing follies of US border and immigration policy.

Rick Perry’s Immigration Problem

Rick Perry’s immigration positions aren’t at all unreasonable, and that presents a problem for him inside the Republican Party.

Once Again, Romney Wins And Perry Falters In GOP Debate

Last night’s Republican debate is likely to raise more questions about Rick Perry in the minds of voters.

Immigration Deportations Under Obama On Pace To Far Exceed Those Under Bush Administration

Based on the numbers, Barack Obama is an immigration hawk.

Gary Johnson Invited to Florida Debate

Two-term New Mexico governor finally gets to share the stage with Herman Cain.

Reagan and Bush Debate Illegal Immigration

The 1980 debate between Reagan and Bush compared to the GOP primary debates in 2011 is flabbergasting.

Rick Perry’s Immigration Stance Not Exactly Hard-Line Conservative

Rick Perry’s position on immigration-related issues could be a problem for the same conservatives who have been getting behind him.

Illegal Immigration From Mexico At Lowest Level In Nearly 60 Years

Illegal immigration from Mexico is down substantially, and it has nothing to do with all those anti-immigration laws.

Let’s not Forget Georgia

In addition to Alabama, we can also have Georgia on ours minds on the ongoing immigration debate.

Alabama’s New Immigration Law

AL takes AZ’s approach and goes a few steps beyond.

A Nations of Immigrants with a Dumb Immigration Policy

Canada is much friendlier than the United States with regard to immigration.

Arizona Seeking Donations to Build Border Fence

The state of Arizona is seeking donations for construction of the border fence.

Latinos Aren’t Pro-Democrat So Much As They’re Anti-Republican, New Poll Finds

A new poll finds that Republican policies on immigration are chasing Latino voters straight into the arms of the Democratic Party.

Does Haley Barbour Have An Immigration Problem?

Haley Barbour is making all the moves toward a 2012 Presidential run, but his stand on immigration issues could pose a problem in the Republican primaries.

Illegal Immigrants 8% of US Births, 3.7% of Population

While illegal immigration in the United States remains enormous, it has dropped considerably over the last three years.

Rand Paul, David Vitter Take Aim At Birthright Citizenship

Two Senators are proposing a Constitutional Amendment to redefine what it means to be an American citizen.

The Dobbs Story and What it Really says About Illegal Immigration

The Lou Dobbs story simply underscores the fact that the illegal immigration debate is fundamentally about labor supply and demand.

White Self-Pity

White America is within thinkable distance of a moment when it will no longer be the majority.

Redistricting and Race

While Republicans will likely take over some key governorships and state legislature after November’s midterms, America’s changing demographics will limit their ability to gerrymander safe districts.