9/11 at 22

Generations of young Americans weren’t alive or have no real memory of the event.

Merriman Smith ‘Canceled’ Posthumously

A man most have never heard of is being reassessed more than a half-century after his death.

The 6 January Commission and the Filibuster

Could this be the straw that broke the camel’s back?

Did Taxpayers Spend $3.4 Million for Trump Super Bowl Party?

The real scandal isn’t the price tag but the beneficiary.

The Republicans Have Earned My Opposition

The Party of Donald Trump has left no sane choice but to vote straight Democrat.

Ted Cruz, ‘Tough as Texas’?

Just when I thought political humor was dead.

Ted Cruz Refuses To Endorse Trump In Convention Speech

Ted Cruz’s convention speech was about what you’d expect, a gamble designed to set up his campaign for President in 2020 or beyond.

Homicide Rate At 51 Year Low

If you listened to politicians or the media, you wouldn’t know that homicide rates are at a level unseen since 1963.

Can Americans Unite In Response To Tragedy Anymore?

National tragedies, whether man-made or natural disasters, used to bring Americans together. Now they just seem to pull Americans apart.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Does Donald Trump Really Believe Ted Cruz’s Father Is Connected To JFK’s Assassination?

The GOP race for President takes yet another bizarre turn.

Sinatra At 100: An Appreciation

Remembering a legend on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Sarajevo, The Media, And ‘Breaking News’ Coverage, 100 Years Later

The news media of 1914 didn’t see World War One coming, but it’s not clear that we’re any better.

Netflix’s Online Business Model: A Mistake, Or The Future Of Entertainment?

Does encouraging binge watching make sense for Netflix?

House Benghazi Committee: Fact-Finding Mission Or Partisan Witch Hunt?

Could the upcoming House Select Committee on Benghazi actually accomplish something useful?

John F. Kennedy A Conservative? No, Not Really

Conservatives have their own Kennedy myth to compete with the myth of Camelot.

Blaming Dallas For Kennedy’s Assassination

Don’t blame Dallas, or 60s era Texas conservatism, for what happened in Dallas 50 years ago,

Newsweek’s Golden Age

Eleanor Clift reflects on her “final issue after 50 years at Newsweek.”

The Presidency Costs Taxpayers A Lot, But That’s Not Obama’s Fault

The Presidency costs taxpayers a lot of money, but that’s been true for many, many years now.

The 20 Most Powerful Television Moments Of The Past 50 Years

There are some glaring omissions from a recent list of television’s “most powerful” moments.

Nicholas Katzenbach Dead at 90

Nicholas Katzenbach, a central figure in the civil rights fights of the 1960s, has died.

Kennedy Assassination Story

A stark account of how American journalism has changed over the last half century.

No Football On 9/11?

Was it wrong for the NFL to schedule its opening Sunday on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks?

Marvel Team-up: Obama and Spider-man

Marvel Comics is releasing a special issue of Amazing Spider-Man #583 with Obama depicted on the cover.

Remembering 9/11 Victims

Coulter on Cleland