Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Treason And The Wikileaks Case

There’s been much talk recently about treason charges in the Wikileaks case, an most of it has been entirely wrong.

Why Were Republicans Silent During The Bush Years?

Republicans were largely silent during the Bush Administration as spending went out of control. Will they do that again?

Bea Arthur, USMC

What Good Is A College Education?

Does that degree you get at the end of your four years of college really mean anything anymore, and is it worth the money you paid for it?

Michael Bloomberg Says He Isn’t Running For President

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he isn’t running for President, but he’s sure acting like a guy who’s at least thinking about it.

Internal Memos Reveal Effort To Spin Health Care Debate At Fox News

Internal memos reveal that Fox News spins the news in ways that favor conservative Republicans. Is that really news?

Are You Better Off Than You Were Two Years Ago?

As things stand right now, the dynamics don’t look good for President Obama in 2012

Anti-Earmark Republicans Looking For Ways Around Earmark Ban

Just weeks after voting for a broad ban on earmarks, Republicans are looking for ways to get money to their districts without calling it an “earmark.”

A Primary Challenge For Obama?

Even though it will likely be unsuccessful, a primary challenge against President Obama could end up harming him enough to hand Republicans the White House in 2012.

Obama Defends Tax Cut Deal As Democrats Signal Opposition

Amid signs that Democrats in Congress might rebel against the tax cut deal he struck with Republicans, President Obama took to the airwaves today to defend it at the same time that his base is rebelling against it.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?

Proposition 8 Has Its Day In Court In The 9th Circuit

California’s Proposition 8 faced another legal test in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday, and the day didn’t seem to go well for opponents of same-sex marriage.

President Obama, GOP Reach Tax Cut Extension Deal

President Obama and the GOP have reached a deal on extending the Bush tax cuts that gives the GOP virtually everything it wanted.

Gary Johnson: Yea, I Inhaled. Two Years Ago, Actually.

What will Republicans think of a candidate for President who admitted to smoking marijuana as recently as two years ago?