Religious Accommodations and Slippery Slopes

Where do we draw the line?

Gen Z Doesn’t Want Crappy Jobs!

The silliness of “generations.”

There’s No Whisky in this Mouthwash?!

It turns out that the candy flavored booze at the grocery store isn’t even bourbon.

Mitt Romney’s Future

The anti-Trump Republican could find re-election difficult.

I’ve Got Some Ocean Front Property in Arizona

And if you’ll buy that, I’ll throw the Golden Gate in free.

A Thought or Two on Negotiating the Debt Limit

The Biden administration has a point.

Far-Right Idiocy in Sweden

Swedish right-wing provocation and Turkish short-sightedness.

Saturday Morning Tab Clearing

Some stories worth noting but not at great length.

Saturday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday

“Water Colors”

Ending College Degree Requirements

Too many jobs needlessly specify a bachelor’s.

Dobbs Leaker Still Unidentified

The Supreme Court’s internal investigation was inconclusive.

David Crosby, 1941-2023

The folk rock legend is gone at 81.

Alec Baldwin Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

At what point does negligence become a crime?

Cool Free Event: Disclosing Government Content Moderation Requests

A free panel on how transparent social media platforms should be about government requests

Debt Limit Will Be Reached Today!

The infuriating fight to authorize spending already-allocated money is back.

America’s Slow Escalation in Ukraine

The Biden administration is slowly ratcheting up the aid package.

Next Joint Chiefs Chairman

The Marine and Air Force chiefs appear to be the top candidates.

Thursday’s Forum

Did Biden Pull a Fast One on Immigration?

A modest regulatory change may have a big impact.

Wednesday’s Forum

Tuesday’s Forum

Yearly Reminder: Dr. King Had A Lot More To Say Than That One Sentence

My (apparently) annual reflections on “The content of their character” day

Weekend Leftovers

Some tab clearing.

The free high-resolution photo of people, auditorium, meeting, sitting, student, education, classroom, indoors, study, university, school, learn, lecturer, studying, campus, class, lecture, college, convention, seminar, academic conference , taken with an unknown camera 03/24 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of people, auditorium, meeting, sitting, student, education, classroom, indoors, study, university, school, learn, lecturer, studying, campus, class, lecture, college, convention, seminar, academic conference , taken with an unknown camera 03/24 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Colleges Fear Affirmative Action’s Demise

A pending Supreme Court ruling could be more impactful than many realize.

NYC Mayor Goes to El Paso to Rail Against Illegal Immigration

Eric Adams is begging for the Federal Government for relief.

Biden’s Documents vs Trump’s

One of these is not like the other.

MLK Day Forum

GOP Behavior

Ezra Klein has some thought on the Republican Party.

Primaries and Party Evolution

Open access to party labels has consequences.

The free high-resolution photo of people, train, travel, airplane, transportation, transport, vehicle, airline, public transport, aisle, boarding, seats, passenger, on board , taken with an NIKON D5000 02/17 2017 The picture taken with 55.0mm, f/4.0s, 10/400s, ISO 1250 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of people, train, travel, airplane, transportation, transport, vehicle, airline, public transport, aisle, boarding, seats, passenger, on board , taken with an NIKON D5000 02/17 2017 The picture taken with 55.0mm, f/4.0s, 10/400s, ISO 1250 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Re-Regulating the Airlines?

Constant flight delays and other frustrations require a solution.

Saturday’s Forum

Tabs for Friday

Japan’s Shift to Robust Military Ally

A more dangerous world is changing the relationship.

Biden Document Probe Gets Serious

A second stash has led to a special counsel and political embarrassment.

A Photo for Friday

“New Year’s Launch”

Matt Yglesias’ Return to His Roots

The one-time Juiceboxer is still annoying the mainstream media.

Jeff Beck, 1944-2023

A legendary guitarist is gone at 78.

Thursday’s Forum

In Revolutions, The Worst Often Rise To The Top

The Robespierres in the House of Representatives are driving American politics in a predictably horrible direction.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Turkey Sending Banned Munitions to Ukraine

A controversial artillery round is being used effectively against Russian forces.

The free high-resolution photo of coffee, tea, restaurant, steel, shop, metal, flame, drink, still life, hdr, hot, iron, pots, boiling, still life photography, teapots, man made object, burners, cook stove, gas heat , taken with an unknown camera 03/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of coffee, tea, restaurant, steel, shop, metal, flame, drink, still life, hdr, hot, iron, pots, boiling, still life photography, teapots, man made object, burners, cook stove, gas heat , taken with an unknown camera 03/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Biden Coming for Your Stove!

“Cooking with gas” could become a thing of the past. But it probably won’t.

Katie Porter Running for Feinstein’s Seat While She’s Still in It

The race is on before the 89-year-old has announced her intentions.

Blake Hounshell, 1978-2023

A brilliant journalist is gone at 44.

Wednesday’s Forum

Blurbing Your Own Book Is Never A Good Sign

Mike Pompeo’s PAC wants you to know that Mike Pompeo’s book is a “thriller with stories from the heart” of Mike Pompeo