Why the IDF Fights As It Does

A small, conscript-driven military has very different training and doctrine than ours.

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War, Maturity, and Necessity

Are we avoiding facing hard truths?

Billy Joel Turns the Lights Back On

The Piano Man is back with a new song.

Israel-Hamas War’s Massive Destruction

The 21st century’s most brutal conflict and the laws of war.

The Fine Line Between Supporter and Co-Belligerent

America’s involvement in the Israeli and Ukrainian war efforts is more than advertised.

Republicans Attack An American War Veteran, Have They No Decency?

Republicans used to honor the men and women who serve our country. In the Trump Era, they attack them in defense of the President.

Obama: “They” Underestimated ISIS

Apparently, the buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office these days.

As Militants Advance, Iraqis Look To U.S. For Help

The Iraqi government seems to be panicking.

Insurgents Linked To Al Qaeda Capture Iraq’s Second City

Things only seem to be getting worse in Iraq.

Violence In Iraq Is Not Obama’s Fault, And The Future Of Iraq Is Not Our Responsibility

The Iraqis need to learn to govern themselves, and conservatives blaming President Obama for renewed violence need a history lesson.

Al Qaeda Runs Falluja Now

If you’re still not convinced that we lost the war in Iraq, this should settle the argument.

Hutchins War Crimes Conviction Overturned; Implications for Manning

The conviction of Marine Sergeant Lawrence Hutchins III for war crimes in 2006 has been overturned.

The Size of Government Is a Non-Issue: A Late Night, Caffeinated Manifesto

It’s not the size of your government that counts — it’s what you do with it that matters.

VFW Endorses Non-Vet Over Allen West, Retired LTC

The Veterans of Foreign Wars has endorsed Ron Klein, who never served a day in uniform, over retired LTC Allen West, a decorated veteran of several foreign wars. Is this an outrage?

End of Combat Operations in Iraq Ain’t Happened Yet

U.S. forces are still engaged in full-scale counterrrorism operations in Iraq. In what sense are “combat operations” over?

Caption Contest Winners

Battle in Najaf

Personalizing War

How to Win in Iraq