The World According to Trump

While foreign policy seldom decides American elections, it really should this year.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Russia Loses Another Top General

They have lost at least seven.

Marine Force Design Has Been Debated

The service is taking a big risk but not without much discussion.

Stu Scheller’s Sideshow

The convicted criminal has taken his shenanigans to court.

Not a Coup Attempt

But, still very bad.

President Trump Visits St. John's Episcopal Church President Donald J. Trump walks from the White House Monday evening, June 1, 2020, to St. John’s Episcopal Church, known as the church of Presidents’s, that was damaged by fire during demonstrations in nearby LaFayette Square Sunday evening. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Trump Visits St. John's Episcopal Church President Donald J. Trump walks from the White House Monday evening, June 1, 2020, to St. John’s Episcopal Church, known as the church of Presidents’s, that was damaged by fire during demonstrations in nearby LaFayette Square Sunday evening. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Civil-Military Crisis?

My latest for Defense One has published.

Marine Commander Threatens Entire Division

Maybe there was a better way to get his point across?

Fire the Commandant (if He Leaked the Memos)

There are even higher obligations than taking care of Marines.

Unequal Military Justice is Good Policy

In Defense One, Butch Bracknell and I explain “Why ‘Different Spanks for Different Ranks’ Are Often Justified.”

Retired Generals Should Stay Out of Politics

My latest for War on the Rocks.

Does The Army Still Have a Race Problem?

The Army brass is worried about its diversity in critical mid-level posts.

Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season. Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season.

The Commandant Didn’t Say What Everyone Says He Said

My latest for War on the Rocks: “Don’t Believe Everything You Read in the Papers.”

More On Unlawful Command Influence

There’s essentially no analogue in the civilian justice system. Here’s why.

No, Damn It, Army Generals Aren’t Exempt From Uniform Regulations

When will BG Jeffrey Sinclair get an effing haircut?

Soldiers and Priests: A Contrast in Professional Ethics

My latest for The National Interest, “The U.S. Military’s Ethics Crisis,” has posted.

Army and Navy Cutting Generals and Admirals Ever So Slightly

The Army and Navy are finally doing something about brass bloat.

The Army’s Leadership Problem

Tim Kane continues his campaign against the US military’s antiquated personnel system.

David Petraeus Resigns As CIA Director, Admitting To Extra-Marital Affair

A surprise Friday resignation at the CIA.

Some Generals Will Make More in Retirement Than Active Duty

A change in the law will radically increase retirement pay for generals and admirals.

Women in Combat: Changing Rules for the Wrong Reasons?

It may be time to change rules keeping women out of combat roles. But “fairness” isn’t the right question.

Defense Budget Cuts

Stephanie Guttman, author of something called The Kinder, Gentler Military, takes to NRO to tell us how easy it is to cut the Defense budget. She inadvertently does just the opposite.

Petraeus Fetishism

David Petraeus is a military superstar; he’s not commander-in-chief.

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