2010 vs. 1994 Revisted, Part The Second

Another political analyst is out with a 2010 prediction that should make Democrats very nervous.

The Wall Street Journal Versus Moral Responsibility

In arguing against lifting liability caps on offshore drilling, the Wall Street Journal is arguing against both moral responsibility and the free market.

BP Spill Damage Exaggerated?

Now that the flood of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig has been staunched, some are arguing that the prophesied environmental catastrophe was greatly overblown.

Offshore Drilling Moratorium Reimposed

The Department of the Interior has, unwisely and unnecessarily, reimposed the ban on deep water offshore drilling.

Obama Endorsement A Negative In Battleground States

Barack Obama may not be doing much campaigning in the fall if recent poll numbers are any indication.

LSU Facing Massive Cuts

LSU is facing some potential deep cuts in its budget.

Federal Judge Blocks Obama Administration’s Oil Drilling Moratorium

A Federal Judge in Louisiana has told the Obama Administration that it can’t ban offshore drilling in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Waiving the Jones Act

Should Obama waive restrictions on international shipping, as Bush did during Katrina? It’s more complicated than you may think.

Newt Gingrich for President?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich considers himself among the top Republican prospects for the 2012 presidential election

Bush Pardons Sparingly

Most Corrupt States

Bailouts in Perspective