No Labels a No Go

They’re fast running out of time to find a candidate.

Joe Manchin Won’t Seek Re-Election

A likely lost seat for Democrats in 2024.

The Clown Car Has No Brakes

The MAGA wing is driving us over a cliff.

Trump Administration Set To Raise Tariffs On European Alcohol And Food Products

The Trump Administration is set to raise tariffs on more products from Europe, including Scotch Whisky and other alcoholic beverages as well as food products and other items.

Fix America’s Political Party Conventions By Making Them Much Shorter

The quadrennial political conventions have become, long, boring, tedious, and largely predetermined. It’s time to shake things up by making them a lot shorter.

Booze and Social Status

Scotch consumption is a leading economic indicator.

Mixologist, Bring Me a Beer

Sarah Deming has a longish column “Against Mixology,” decrying both the use of that title by barkeeps and, more importantly, the snootiness which often attends those who do.

Caption Contest Winners

Manly Thoughts

Martini and Steak

Mad Men Yourself