Ending The N-Word

Should black people quit using the N-word to set an example for white folk?

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

Google and Verizon Test Net Neutrality

Congress has been wrestling with the net neutrality issue for years. Two major players may force a decision soon.

Birtherism Lives

While it may be true that facts are stubborn things, a lot of American are stubborn in the face of them.

Blog-Media Convergence

Blogs are all grown up now and indistinguishable from other online media.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Human Rights and Cultural Relativism

Some principles transcend political borders.

Captcha: Annoying People Two Words At A Time

By filling out Captcha’s two word phrases, you’re helping digitize old books. It’s still really annoying.

Amazon: Kindle E-Books Outselling Paper Books

Electronic books outsold paper books on Amazon over the past three months, but the death of the hardcover is greatly exaggerated.

Newspapers Print the Legend

Journalists have been following Maxwell Scott’s advice since long before “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” was made.

Headlines as News Content

News headlines are increasingly divorced from the article content, with serious connotations for a nation of skimmers.

Waterboarding and ‘Torture’ in the American Media

Did the American media cover up torture by the Bush Administration?

Bringing Magazine Ethos to Newspapers

Magazines routinely run great pieces by highly biased writers. Why can’t newspapers do the same?

Is Surfing During Work Stealing?

If you’re reading this at the office, are you stealing from your boss?

Newspapers Suck Less Than You Think

An article attempting to illustrate the obsolescence of newspapers inadvertently does the opposite.

Dave Weigel’s Anti-Conservative Rants Go Public

Sharing your unvarnished thoughts on a listserv is just asking for trouble, as Dave Weigel is the latest to discover.

Selling Online News