Sunday Tabs

Some stories I didn’t get around to blogging over the past week.

Jane Roberts, the Supreme Court, and Conflicts of Interest

The Chief Justice’s wife is making a lot of money.

Presidential Press Conference Play-Acting

The process is much more stage managed than advertised.

Barring Kids From Social Media

An odd set of Senators have a really bad idea.

Army Pilots Get Unexpected Extension

The personnel bureaucracy reinterpreted regulations.

A Photo for Friday

“Bubble Man”

Tucker Carlson’s Depressing Realization

The fired propagandist has had an epiphany about bullshit.

The Ever-Shifting Media Landscape

BuzzFeed, Disney, and others are making big cuts.

President Biden Officially Running for Re-Election

“The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.”

Fox News Finally Finds A Bridge (Or Three) Too Far

Turns out that costing your employer nearly a billion dollars isn’t good for your career.

Unrepresentative Democracy and Child Labor

We’re getting weird policies almost nobody is asking for.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Matthew Shugart on the Downballot.

Earth Day Forum

A Photo for Friday

“Balloon Girls”

Friday’s Forum

Better late than never.

Blogging Break

‘True Threats,’ Insanity, and the Supreme Court

Is a threat in the eye of the receiver or the issuer?

Fox News Settles Suit, Will Carry on As Before

A $787.5 million flesh wound.

Biden to Reshape Joint Chiefs

He’s likely to make heads explode.

Tuesday’s Forum

Professional Shoplifters

A few people are committing the lion’s share of petty thefts in America’s biggest city.

The Retirement Age

France shines new light on an old problem.

Age, Illness, and American Politics

The controversies over our geriatric Congress continue.

Saturday’s Forum

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering healthcare costs, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, in the Rose Garden of the White House. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering healthcare costs, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, in the Rose Garden of the White House.

Biden Downplays Leak Significance

You’re not helping, Mr. President.

Biggest Leaker in Decade Should Never Have Had Access to Secrets

The United States has not learned from Snowden and Manning.

Feinstein Steps Down from Judiciary

The inevitable next shoe has dropped.

Class Sorting in American Politics

Most high-income Congressional Districts are Democratic and low-income Districts are Republican.

Dianne Feinstein is MIA

It’s time for her to step down.

Biden Wants 54% of New Cars to Be EVs by 2030

A wildly ambitious goal.

The Importance of Institutional Design (Part Lots)

The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles sparks a thought.