Posts by Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter

Federal Judge Declares Much of DOMA Unconstitutional

A district court judge has issued a ruling that could have wide ramifications for the question of same-sex marriage.

Crime in AZ

Arizona has been experiencing a massive increase in violent crime of late, right?

Today’s Vocab Word: “Purple Drank”

Thanks to JaMarcus Russell, I have learned a new term.

More Politics 101 for Rand Paul (and his Supporters)

More Politics 101 for Rand Paul.

The Founders and the Central Government

No, the founding fathers of the United States were not “very afraid of a central government.” Indeed, such an assertion makes no sense.

Heroes of the Founding Era: An Odd Choice by Bill Kristol

Bill Kristol’s hero of the Revolutionary Era is Alexander Hamilton. Who is yours?

Why American Kids Don’t Know History

A lot of Americans don’t know that the US gained its independence from Great Britain. How can this be? Is it a liberal conspiracy?

Speaking of Reagan…

If people feel the need to evoke Reagan, it would be nice if they would evoke the real one, rather than an alt reality version.

Informal Talks Between the Turks and Israelis (and Some Cabinet Trouble in Israel?)

Israel and Turkey held secret, informal talks recently. This is interesting, given the recent flotilla incident. What is more interesting is that the Israeli Foreign Minister learned of the event via the press.

Running from the Press: The Curious Case of Sharron Angle

If one wants to be a US Senator, one is going to have to learn to talk to the press.

Hitler Comparisons and Bad History

Contrary to popular belief, Adolf Hitler didn’t come to power by democratic means or because of his ability to whip the public into a frenzy.

Coca Facts

Asked and Answered, WDR Edition

Will we ever eliminate or sharply reduce drug supply and demand?

WDR 2010

The UNODC has released the latest World Drug Report. Shockingly, there are a lot of drugs out there and a lot of money to made trafficking in them.

LSU Facing Massive Cuts

LSU is facing some potential deep cuts in its budget.

Radically Misdiagnosing the Problem (Jan Brewer and Illegal Immigration)

Are the majority of illegal immigrants drug-runners? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks so.

Line of the Day – “Welcome to Big Time Politics, Rand Paul” Edition

Man running for United States Senate shocked to learn that he has to be careful what he says.

Gallup: More Conservatives than Liberals in the United States

If the trend continues, 2010 will mark a record number of conservatives for the Gallup poll since it began asking the question in 1992.

About that Tyrannical Escrow Fund…

The escrow fund was a big negative for BP, yes?

The President is Just Like…

It is notoriously difficult to judge a presidency mid-stream.

A Little Perspective on a Potential Emanuel Exit

How super-dramatic, amazing and unprecedented would it be if Emanuel left his job at the WH?