Posts by Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter

Egyptian Election Results Due Tomorrow

The slow motion election continues at least one more day.

Ambition v. Ambition

Issa, Holder, and a little Madison.

Trying to Sort out the “Fast and Furious” Situation

Fast and furious, or a lot of sound and fury signifying not too much?

The DREAM Act and the 60-vote Senate

The history of the DREAM Act underscores the significance of the 60-vote Senate.

Egypt’s “Stupid” Transition

Sequencing matters.

Spanish Bonds

Reagan the RINO Redux

The main problem is governing should be different than simplistic rhetoric.

Can’t Find the Suspect? Just Cuff Everyone!

Because, of course, the ends justify the means.

On the Vetting (and Other Thoughts)

Vetting, media bias, and a passing swipe at the war on terror.

Romney and the Military

Romney comes down firmly on the guns side of guns and butter.

A Comparative Note on Amendment Processes

We, as Americans, tend to have a limited knowledge of the institutional variation that exists across democratic systems around the world.

Is it Too Hard to Amend the Constitution? A Brief Response

Yes, it is too hard to amend. A few quick thoughts on the subject.

Understanding Public Opinion Poll Results

How can opinion shift quickly on a given topic?