Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care, Part II

We really need a better understanding of mental health disorders in this county, and events like those over the weekend underscore this fact.

Thankfully, Attempts on the Lives of Members of Congress are Rare

Thankfully, attacks on members of Congress are a rarity.

The Palin “Target” Graphic

Graphic by Sarah Palin’s PAC had Gabriel Giffords’ district in the crosshairs

Some Details About the Shooter

More breaking news on the shooting-in this case, about the shooter.

Federal Judge Killed in Today’s Shooting

Note: while this post is brief, the news is of such significance that I felt it should be a headline story rather than relegated to a “quick pick”.

On the Wealth of Bankers

Columbia PoliSci Prof Charged with Incest

Columbia political science professor David Epstein has been charged with a 3-year incestuous relationship with his adult daughter.

WikiLeaks Reveals American Contractors’ Involvement In Afghan Pedophile Ring

WikiLeaks’ reveals that DynCorp, a government contractor, provided drugs and child sex slaves to Afghan police–and the State Department helped cover it up.

US Troops to Mexican Drug War? (So Contemplates Rick Perry)

Would troops to Mexico help in the drug war?

When Will Full Body Scans Become Mandatory?

We’re probably just one big scare away from mandatory full-body scans.

The High Cost of Immigration Enforcement

Both Congress and the Obama Administration have stepped up enforcement of immigration laws–at immense cost to both the budget and the courts.

New Orleans Police Were Ordered To Shoot Looters After Katrina

New reports indicate that New Orleans Police were given orders to shoot looters amid the chaos after Hurricane Katrina hit the city. Fortunately, that never happened.

Rape Warrant for Wikileaks Founder Withdrawn

A quick flip-flop from Swedish authorities on a very serious charge.

Poll Show Border Residents Feel Safe

According to a new poll, 87% of border residents feel safe.

A Tale of Two Cities: El Paso and Ciudad Juárez

Despite assertions that the violence in Mexico is spilling over the border, we find a rather stark comparison of two key border cities.

More Signs of Anti-Muslim Sentiment

A number of disturbing incidents point towards increased anti-Islam hostility in the United States.

Change in Sentencing: Crack v. Powder Cocaine

Congress has (after many years of debate) narrowed the gap between sentencing for crack cocaine and powder cocaine.

Ninjas vs. Muggers

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Crime in AZ

Arizona has been experiencing a massive increase in violent crime of late, right?

Today’s Vocab Word: “Purple Drank”

Thanks to JaMarcus Russell, I have learned a new term.

Gulf Oil Spill To Hit Atlantic in October

A group of oceanographers suggest that the oil from the Deepwater Horizon explosion will leave the Gulf in a few months. What happens then?