
North Korea Calming Down?

In a chaotic week, one source of chaos was remarkably quiet.

The Kind of Thinking that Brought us the Iraq War

A preventative strike against North Korea is a bad idea.

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

Korean War II Not Easy As It Looks

The Army has war gamed a conflict to secure a failed North Korea. It would not be a cakewalk.

China Starting To Get Irritated With North Korea?

North Korea’s latest provocations may be testing the patience of their patrons in Beijing.

Fake Space Monkey?

Green Eyeshade War

Will a disagreement over accounting rules increase the bad feelings between China and the U. S.?

China Is Every American Politician’s Favorite Scapegoat

American politicians are using China as a scapegoat for America’s problems.

Why Pick On China?

Iran v. the US: Who is the Rational Actor on the Nuclear Question?

Because some things are worth reinforcing.

Was Obama’s ‘Afghan Surge’ A Failure?

To much fanfare, President Obama announced a shift in Afghan War policy in December 2009. There’s little evidence it’s worked.

Signs Of Trouble In The Chinese Economy

Signs are brewing that the Chinese economy is slowing down significantly.

2,000 Deaths Later, Americans Have Put Afghanistan Behind Them

The candidates aren’t talking about the war in Afghanistan very much, but that’s mostly because the American people don’t want them to.

What About Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan has not been a topic of discussion in the Presidential campaign, but that’s largely because there’s not much left to talk about.

Signs Of Political Change In North Korea?

Some interesting developments in Pyongyang.

A Comparative Note on Amendment Processes

We, as Americans, tend to have a limited knowledge of the institutional variation that exists across democratic systems around the world.