Is The Next Crimea In Northern Kazakhstan?

While the world watches Ukraine, Central Asia could also be an area where Russia may seek to expand its territory.

Tiananmen Square 25 Years Later

After two and a half decades, the images of June 4, 1989 resonate with many, unless you happen to live in China.

Thailand’s Army Stages Military Coup

Another civilian government falls in Thailand.

China’s Plan For The Collapse Of North Korea

China sends a message to Kim Jong Un.

Is China Number One?

The USA’s 142-year streak as the world’s largest economy is ending.

North Korea On The Verge Of Collapse? Don’t Count On It

Predicting the end of the DPRK is a fool’s errand.

Only Nixon Could Go to China–Because Nobody Else Wanted To

The opening to China was entirely Richard Nixon’s idea. Henry Kissinger opposed it vehemently.

Shrinking Japan

China on the Moon

North Korea Says Kim Jong Un’s Uncle Has Been Executed

Well, that didn’t take long.

Biden: U.S. Won’t Recognize China’s New Air Defense Zone

The U.S. position on China’s new air defense zone is exceedingly clear. The question is where it goes from here.

US Orders Airliners to Comply with Chinese Notification Demands

Even as it defies China’s illegal territorial claims with military flights, the Obama administration is urging US airlines to comply.

China Relaxes One Child Policy

China’s Communist Party has announced a significant change to the nation’s infamous “One Child” policy.

No Sex Please, We’re Japanese

The good folks at The Guardian wonder, “Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?”

Japan’s National Debt Hits A Quadrillion Yen

Japan’s National Debt has reached a level that’s somewhat incomprehensible.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

The End of the Affair

To maintain growth China needs to consider its priorities.

Growth Slowing in China

China’s finance minister has hinted that economic growth may fall far below 7% in the second half of the year.

North Korea Nukes Here To Stay

North Korea’s nuclear weapons aren’t going anywhere.