Terry Anderson, center, accompanied by his sister Peggy Say, left, and Madeleine Bassil, right, in Germany, Dec. 5, 1991. (AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle, File) Terry Anderson, center, accompanied by his sister Peggy Say, left, and Madeleine Bassil, right, in Germany, Dec. 5, 1991. (AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle, File)

Terry Anderson, 1947-2024

The AP journalist taken hostage for almost seven years has died.

Does Comedy Have to be Based on Truth?

Hasan Minhaj is a serial liar. Does it matter?

Friday Quick Hits

A few quick observations at the end of the week.

Shaman Formerly Known as QAnon Pleads Guilty

Jacob Chansley has agreed to spend 41 to 51 months in prison for his role in the 6 January riots.

COVID Bullying at West Point?

Vaccination is voluntary but refusal is not without consequence.

Chauvin’s Life in Prison

Don’t believe everything you see on TV.

Our Awful Criminal Justice System

A stroll down memory lane.

Epstein Death Leads To Legitimate Questions And Baseless Conspiracy Theories

Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide has led to many legitimate questions that should be investigated. It has also led to the rise of a number of baseless conspiracy theories.

Alabama Showed ‘Flagrant Disregard’ for Cruel Prison Conditions

The Justice Department has issued a damning report.

Paul Manafort Lied To FBI After Plea Deal, Mueller Team Alleges

Paul Manafort finds himself in new legal trouble after Special Counsel Robert Mueller accused him of lying after entering a plea agreement.

John McCain Was A Strong Moral Voice Against Torture, America Should Be Grateful

Throughout the War On Terror, John McCain stood out as a strong moral voice against the use of torture against prisoners. For that he deserves the thanks of a grateful nation.

Senator John McCain Dies At 81

Senator John McCain has died at the age of 81,

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Civil Asset Forfeiture Case

We may finally get a ruling applying the Excessive Fine Clause to the states and limiting the ability of police to confiscate property.

David Clarke Heads To Pro-Trump SuperPAC After Kelly Blocks White House Job

Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke loses out on yet another Trump Administration position thanks to Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Resigns, Will Reportedly Go Work For Trump

Controversial Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke has resigned and will reportedly go to work for Donald Trump.

Dylann Roof Pleads Guilty To State-Level Murder Charges In Charleston Church Shootings

With the exception of the mandatory Federal death penalty appeals, the legal process is basically over in the Charleston Church shootings.

Merle Haggard Dead at 79

A country music legend has passed.

Donald Trump On John McCain: I Like People Who Weren’t Captured

Donald Trump stuck his foot in his mouth again.

Jeremiah Denton, Vietnam War Hero, Dies

Jeremiah Denton, a Vietnam War hero and one-term US Senator from Alabama, has died. He was 89.

Chelsea Manning and the Law

Bradley Manning’s announcement that she wishes to begin living life as a woman poses some interesting legal questions.

Hutchins War Crimes Conviction Overturned; Implications for Manning

The conviction of Marine Sergeant Lawrence Hutchins III for war crimes in 2006 has been overturned.

George Will Discovers Solitary Confinement

George Will declares solitary confinement tantamount to torture.

America’s Prison Culture Destroying Our Future

We’re literally choosing locking up drug offenders over investing in our children.

The Shameful Treatment Of Bradley Manning

Pfc. Bradley Manning is being treated worse than a Prisoner Of War, and he hasn’t been convicted of a crime yet.

Bradley Manning Jailed Naked

The saga of accused Wikileaks conspirator Bradley Manning continues to get uglier, with the military acknowledging that he was forced to spend the day naked for, well, no apparent reason.

Solitary Confinement as Torture

WikiLeaker Bradley Manning has been held “under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture” for seven months and counting.