Budget Surplus in California

Responsible governance from the Golden State?

Parkland Shooting Survivors Speak Out On Gun Control, And Some On The Right See A Conspiracy

The students who survived last week’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida are speaking out, and some on the right are responding by engaging in personal attacks and spreading conspiracy theories.

Another Professor Fired After Another Stupid Tweet

A stupid comment about Hurricane Harvey cost a Florida professor his job.

The Trump Effect? MSNBC Reaches No. 1 In Total Viewers

A big change appears to have taken place in American cable news viewing habits.

Fox News Channel’s Alternate Reality

In Fox News Channel’s America, Donald Trump can do no wrong and Hillary Clinton is still a threat.

Trump’s Advisers Are Feeding Him Genuinely Fake News, And That’s A Problem

The President is being fed “news” from questionable news sources, and that’s a problem.

Youth, Women, and Bias in the Ideas Industry

It’s not all peaches and cream for pretty young women.

Rick Perry Goes From The Presidential Campaign Trail To ‘Dancing With The Stars’

This is not exactly what Rick Perry had hoped he’d be doing this fall.

Crossfire Canceled Again

CNN’s effort to bring back a show that had outlived its prime years ago has, predictably, failed.

Crossfire Returns with New Hosts

CNN is reviving the Crossfire shoutfest with Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter, and Van Jones as hosts.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Tucker Carlson: Morally Bankrupt and Intellectually Void

This is one of the most draw-droppingly stupid 29 seconds I have experienced in some time.

Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC Exit: Yet More Speculation

The speculation on Keith Olbermann’s abrupt departure from MSNBC’s top-rated show continues. Was he fired? Did he quit? Did the Comcast overlords push?

Glenn Beck Launches Blaze, HuffPo Style Magazine

Capitalizing on the buzz from his weekend rally, talk host Glenn Beck launched a new online magazine called The Blaze overnight.

JournoList: Conspiracy, Scandal, Or Locker Room Trash Talk ?

JournoList’s archives have been making headlines at The Daily Caller, but there doesn’t seem to be any substance to the allegations of scandal.

Conservative Media Bias

Conservatives have long complained about liberal media bias. But conservative media seems to be much worse.

Jon Kyl Walks Back Claim That Obama Is Holding Border Security “Hostage”

Senator Jon Kyl is distancing himself from earlier comments that he made accusing the President of holding border security “hostage.”

“Crossfire” by a Different Name

CNN is launching a debate program featuring one host from the Left and another from the Right. Why not call it “Crossfire”?

Fixing CNN

Burying The Lede

Income and Voting