The Reality Show Party?

Another R/D cleavage?

The Stupid, Evil Party

It’s not getting any better, folks.

Ohio, Trump, and the Primaries

Thinking about party evolution and behavior going into 2022.

Friday Tab Clearing

Stories, links, and brief observations from the week that never grew into posts.

How Critical Race Theory Suddenly Hit the Mainstream

A pandemic and the rise of Zoom meetings unleashed an academic theory into the wild.

Texas Democrats Deny Quorum, Delay Elections Bill

A special session looms. (And how this is not like the filibuster in the US Senate).

US Herd Immunity Unlikely

Covid appears here to stay, so the goal is management.

Rudy Thinks he has an “Out” Clause

Rudy may not be a very good lawyer…

The Dishonesty is Exhausting

Foolish lies are for foolish liars.

Fox News Purging ‘Real Journalists’

Losing viewers to fringe networks, the Fair and Balanced team is joining them.

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

Trump’s Final Meltdown

The President of the United States is an existential threat to the Republic.

Trump’s Legal Team Imploding

We won’t have Sidney Powell to kick around any more.

The Two Sides of Fox News

Last night amplifies a long pattern.

UPS ate my Propaganda

The ongoing pathetic attempt to create a scandal around Hunter Biden.

Glenn Greenwald Quits Intercept

The iconoclastic journalist is out at the publication he founded.

Trump Bans ‘Critical Race Theory’ in Federal Training

As Election Day draws closer, the President is doubling down on stoking racial resentment.

Pronouncing ‘Kamala’

I’ve been thinking it wrong for years.

President Donald J. Trump participates in a FOX News Channel virtual town hall entitled America Together: Returning to Work, with co-moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum live from the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Donald J. Trump participates in a FOX News Channel virtual town hall entitled America Together: Returning to Work, with co-moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum live from the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Fox News is Leading Prime Time Network

Preying on the fears of old white people is good business.

Data Collection/Analysis and Covid-19

Critics of the modeling and of the data analysis are being too simplistic.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick of Texas and the Elderly

On Tucker last night, Patrick made an odd appeal (to be kind).

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Putin

Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.

Sean Spicer Finally Booted From Dancing With The Stars

We won’t have Sean Spicer to ikick around anymore.

Jeff Sessions Enters Alabama Senate Race With Obsequious Trump Praise

Jeff Sessions entered the race for the GOP nomination for Senate in Alabama by heaping obsequious and pathetic praise on a man who had spent two years insulting him publicly and privately

Jeff Sessions Running For His Old Senate Seat

Jeff Sessions is running to win back his old Senate seat, putting into play the possibility of a clash with President Trump.

Shepard Smith Out at Fox [UPDATED]

The longtime anchor is leaving the network, ostensibly at his request.

Fox News Now Little More Than Trump Propaganda Machine

Fox News Channel in general, and Fox And Friends in particular, have become nothing but a propaganda network for the White House and the President.

Sean Spicer Beclowns Himself Even More Than When He Was In The White House

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has hit the bottom of the barrel.

Trump vs. Fox News Channel

Even when it comes from his favorite propaganda network, Donald Trump doesn’t like bad news.

Sean Spicer Hits Rock Bottom

Sean Spicer will appear on the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars

Biden Leads Warren In Massachusetts In New Poll

A new poll shows the former Vice-President leading Senator Elizabeth Warren in her home state.

Republican Apocalypse … Now?

David Brooks joins the long line of commenters predicting the GOP’s demise.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

Forays into Hackery (Tucker and Derschowitz)

Wherein I explore the notion that ignorance is bliss.

Appearing On Fox Not Hurting Candidates With Democratic Voters

So far at least, appearing on Fox News Channel does not appear to be hurting the candidates who’ve done it with Democratic voters.

Trump Not Pleased With Fox News Reaching Out To Democratic Candidates

President Trump isn’t pleased that a news network that has generally been his own personal propaganda network is reaching out to Democrats.

Republicans Resisting Democratic Efforts To Limit Exemptions From Vaccine Laws

As Democrats at the state level seek to limit the ability of parents to decline to vaccinate their children. they are facing resistance from Republican colleagues.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Jussie Smollett Charged With Faking “Hate Crime”

Actor Jussie Smollett is charged with staging an attack initially called a “hate crime.”

The Death Of The Weekly Standard

Thanks apparently to the fact that it remained unwilling to get in line behind the Trumpidians, the conservative owner of The Weekly Standard has shut the magazine down.

Facts v. Fox

The continued problem cause by a lack of shared reality.

Even Fox News Is Sick Of Trump’s Campaign Rally Speeches

Those rambling campaign rally speeches the President loves to give aren’t getting the kind of coverage they used to, not even from his favorite news channel.

Trump Administration Considering Revoking Security Clearances Of Administration Critics

Based on what can only be described as pure vindictiveness, the President is apparently planning on revoking security clearances of former officials who have been outspoken against the Administration and its policies.

Americans Have A Hard Time Telling Fact From Opinion

A new survey shows that Americans are increasingly unable to tell the difference between fact and opinion. That’s a problem.

Giuliani Admits “Spygate” Allegations Meant To Undermine Russia Investigation

With the President’s “Spygate” allegations standing largely discredited, his attorney and at the moment chief spokesperson Rudy Giuliani admits that the entire conspiracy theory was created to discredit the Mueller investigation.

Sean Hannity Is Michael Cohen’s Mystery Client, But That Shouldn’t Matter

Sean Hannity was Michael Cohen’s “secret client,” but it’s not clear that should matter to anyone.

How That “Caravan” Of Immigrants Became A Focus Of Panic On The Right

Thanks to a combination of sensationalism and outright lies, a fairly conventional story about an annual protest march in Mexico was turned into Fox News fodder that raised images of an invading army of illegal immigrants.

The Strange World of Shepard Smith

Having journalistic integrity at the Fair and Balanced network has never been more challenging.

Smug Liberals, Conservative Trolls, and Jake Tapper

Two seemingly contradictory essays out today highlight the exhausting political conversation environment.