The World According to Trump

While foreign policy seldom decides American elections, it really should this year.

Rethinking STEM Credentialing

Should we reform the way we train a high-tech workforce?

Japan’s Shift to Robust Military Ally

A more dangerous world is changing the relationship.

The American Military Officer and the Constitution

My latest publication.

Twitter and the Military Professional

The risks are real but the rewards are spectacular.

Soldier-Scholar (Pick One)

My latest for War on the Rocks.

Fort Benning honors the nation's fallen service members with a Memorial Day ceremony at the post's cemetery May 27. The 9 a.m. ceremony at the Main Post Cemetery went forward under bright but partly cloudy skies, with an audience of some 200 Soldiers and civilians seated outdoors. The ceremony included remarks by a speaker, and a wreath-laying in tribute to "all the nation's veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice." The wreath-laying was followed by the firing of a three-volley rifle salute and the playing of "Taps." (U.S. Army photos by Patrick Albright, Maneuver Center of Excellence, Fort Benning Public Affairs) Fort Benning honors the nation's fallen service members with a Memorial Day ceremony at the post's cemetery May 27. The 9 a.m. ceremony at the Main Post Cemetery went forward under bright but partly cloudy skies, with an audience of some 200 Soldiers and civilians seated outdoors. The ceremony included remarks by a speaker, and a wreath-laying in tribute to "all the nation's veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice." The wreath-laying was followed by the firing of a three-volley rifle salute and the playing of "Taps." (U.S. Army photos by Patrick Albright, Maneuver Center of Excellence, Fort Benning Public Affairs)

Whose Deaths Should We Honor?

The line between “hero” and “victim” is blurry and rendered meaningless when the former is over-used

Wargaming During a Pandemic

My latest at War on the Rocks.

SECNAV Says Fired Captain ‘Naive or Stupid’

Thomas Modly, the acting Secretary of the Navy, has embarrassed himself and must go.

Does the Military Really Need More Strategists?

My latest for War on the Rocks.

Trump Orders Syria Strikes. So Now What?

It’s not at all clear that there is a useful strategy at work here.

Greater Deference to Generals Has Undermined Civilian Control of the Military

I’m in the New York Times’ “Room for Debate” with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Duke’s Peter Feaver.

Clinton-Cartwright Comparisons Don’t Hold Up

Clinton is getting no special treatment by the standards of her high-powered peers.

Rigor in Professional Military Education

My latest for War on The Rocks, “Professional Military Education and the Rigor Problem, has posted.

Taking Sexual Assault Prosecution Away From Military Commanders

In which I change my mind on an important topic.

Defending of Crazy Talk

A controversial article arguing prominent war critics should be targeted as enemy combatants is worth discussing.

The Dangers of Relying on Airpower Alone

My latest for War on The Rocks, “The Inter-Service Wars Are Looking Like Calvinball,” has posted.

Was China OPM Hack Fair Game?

Was this simply ordinary intelligence collection? Or something more insidious?

Obama’s National Security Strategy Is Better Than His ‘National Security Strategy’

My latest for War on The Rocks, “IS OBAMA REAL(IST) CONFUSED?”

Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season. Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season.

The Commandant Didn’t Say What Everyone Says He Said

My latest for War on the Rocks: “Don’t Believe Everything You Read in the Papers.”

All Things Pass

Will ISIS be able to consolidate and hold the territory it’s taken in Iraq?

Obama Should Own Bergdahl Decision

My latest for War on the Rocks, “HAGEL: CLIMBING OUT FROM UNDER THE BUS,” has posted.

Medal Fatigue

The US military needs to cull and standardize its bloated award system.

Military Benefits vs Military Readiness

Without hard choices on pay and benefits, the Pentagon will have to make big cuts in readiness.