Senate Eases Confirmation Process

The Senate leadership has agreed to exempt 1/3 of nominations from the confirmation process.

Will The GOP’s Love For Endless War Trump Fiscal Conservatism?

The GOP is facing a battle between its fiscal conservatism and i’s military adventurism.

House Moves to End Public Financing of Presidential Campaigns

The House has voted to repeal the broken system of financing presidential elections.

Bipartisan Budget Busting

It is always easier to compromise on more spending and less taxes.

SOTU Instant Polls Show Success For Obama

The initial instant reaction to the President’s speech last night was largely positive, but does it really matter?

Filibuster Reform Appears To Be Dead

Once again, it looks like efforts to reform the Senate’s filibuster rules have fallen victim to that old devil politics.

Silly State Of The Union Pageantry

As the night of the State Of The Union Address approaches, the silliness in Washington has been taken up a notch.

Republicans Propose $2.5 Trillion Spending Cuts

The Republican Study Committee has come up with some significant budget cuts.

Barack Obama: The Comeback Kid?

After a fairly bad 2010, Barack Obama is starting off 2011 in a very good position.

New Poll Numbers: Huckabee-Romney-Palin Top the GOP, Obama at 54%

The newest WaPo/ABC News poll numbers.

House Votes 245-189 To Repeal Affordable Care Act

In a move that surprises nobody, the House voted today to repeal last year’s health care reform law. Now it goes to the Senate where it will die.

State Of The Union Seating: Phony Theatrics For Pointless Theater

Bipartisan seating at the State Of The Union is a pointless act of political theater. Then again, so is the State Of The Union Address itself.

Democratic Congressman Says He Will Introduce Bill To Ban “Crosshairs” Maps

The debate over heated political rhetoric has now led one Pennsylvania Congressman to suggest that some speech should be banned. This must stop now.

Thankfully, Attempts on the Lives of Members of Congress are Rare

Thankfully, attacks on members of Congress are a rarity.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Update

Gabriellie Giffords, a three-term Arizona Congresswoman, was shot and killed today along with six others outside a campaign event in Tuscon.