Crist Still Leads in Florida Polls

Crist’s gamble continues to appear to have been a good one.

Rubio Does not Want Proliferation of SB1070s

Marco Rubio doesn’t want to see the proliferation of SB1070s to other states.

Senate Tables DISCLOSE Act, For Now

Thanks to a united Republican Caucus, the Senate failed to take up a deeply flawed campaign finance “reform” bill.

Poll: Palin Endorsement Hurts Candidates In New Hampshire

51% of New Hampshire voters overall say they’re less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Palin to just 26% who say a Palin endorsement would make them more inclined to be supportive.

Michelle Bachmann Suggests Republicans Make The Same Mistakes All Over Again

If Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann gets her way, the 112th Congress will feature a lot of committees “investigating” the Obama Administration.

Everybody Hates Congress

It would appear that the only people who have confidence in the United States Congress are the people who work there.

Democrats Likely Keeping Byrd’s Seat

Democratic Governor Joe Manchin appears to have no serious challengers for the late Robert Byrd’s Senate seat.

Democratic Jump in Generic Ballot Poll

Democrats have opened up a 6 point lead in the Gallup generic ballot tracking poll, their first statistically significant lead of the cycle.

It’s Money That Matters

While political junkies dissect every vote and utterance, most Americans vote based on their gut sense of how the economy is doing.

Biden Promises November Surprise From Democrats

Vice-President Biden glances into the future and sees a relatively good year for Democrats. Is he right ?

Republicans and Likely Voter Polls

Nate Silver provides yet more bad news for Democrats: When screening for “likely voters,” Republican numbers look even better.

On Legalizing Marijuana in California

California has an initiative on the ballot this coming November to legalize marijuana. However, it’s not that easy.

Is The GOP Ready For The Tea Party ?

Some Republicans in Congress are worried they won’t be able to control the future Congressmen and Senators that the Tea Party might be sending to Washington.

Republicans: Agenda ? We Don’t Need No Stinking Agenda

Some Republicans seem to think they don’t need to put forward any actual ideas in order to win November.

The Coming Republican Crackup

Will a debate over foreign policy tear apart the GOP ? Probably not.

Returning, Again, to Crime and the AZ Border

More decapitation talk.

New Polls Bring More Bad News For Obama, Democrats

The President likely has some very bad poll numbers on his mind this morning.

Democratic Governors Warn White House On Immigration

The White House is making some very odd political choices in its response to the Arizona immigration law.

So Much For The Summer Of Recovery

There are further signs that the economy will remain anemic through the end of 2010, if not longer.

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Investigation Finds No Wrong Doing In Alvin Greene’s Senate Run

Where did Alvin Greene get the $ 10,000 for his Senate filing fee ? He got from you, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer !

Democratic Poll Brings Bad News For Democrats

Another new poll brings bad news for Democrats and the President.

Should We Fear A Lame-Duck Congress ?

Will Democrats use a lame-duck session of Congress to pass legislation they can’t get through otherwise ? They might try, but I doubt they’ll succeed.