Silly Story Of The Weekend: Rand Paul Gets Donation From Porn Queen

Rand Paul is apparently taking heat from some of his more socially conservative supporters after FEC reports indicate he received a donation from the owner of an Adult web site. People need to get a life.

Rand Paul Maintains A Lead In Kentucky

Rand Paul’s initial mis-steps after winning the Republican primary seem to be largely behind him.

Ann Coulter Booted From World Net Daily Conference For Speaking To Gay Group

Ann Coulter has been dis-invited from a World Net Daily conference for her decision to speak at a convention sponsored by a gay conservative group.

Unease On The Right Over “Ground Zero Mosque” Rhetoric

Some Republicans are start to wonder if it’s such a good idea for their party to be so closely associated with the heated rhetoric surrounding the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Continue To Fall

If the President looks worried, he has a pretty good reason.

GOP Leader Downplays 2010 Expectations

You heard it here first, the GOP will not gain control of Congress in 2010.

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

2010 Election About Big Things

Republicans should hammer big themes — the loss of jobs, the poor health of the economy, reckless spending, increasing the size/scope of government, and tax increases — and avoid getting bogged down in policy details this campaign season.

Tea Party More Popular than Pelosi, but not the Democratic Party

Shockingly, the Tea Party as a generic movement is more popular than congressional leadership. Interestingly, the Democrats are still slightly more popular than the Tea Party and the Reps are in third.

MSNBC/WSJ Poll Reveals Gloomy, Pessimistic Electorate

According to a new MSNBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the public that will head to the polls in November is increasingly gloomy and pessimistic.

Colorado Primary Shows Evidence Of Enthusiasm Gap

The results of last night’s Colorado Senate primaries should be causing Democrats to worry.

McMahon, Buck, Bennet Win, Georgia Governor’s Race Too Close To Call

Another round of primaries last night made the playing field for November just a little bit clearer to see.

GOP Campaign Against Birthright Citizenship Falling Flat

The Republican campaign against birthright citizenship doesn’t seem to be gaining the kind of support they expected.

What’s Really Behind The GOP Rhetoric Against Birthright Citizenship

Is the GOP really serious about changing the citizenship rules in the 14th Amendment ? Not likely.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.

Sharron Angle: Conservative ? Or, Theocrat ?

Sharron Angle’s views about the role of religion in politics are disturbingly similar to those of people who believe that the Bible itself should be the law of the land.

Another Anemic Employment Report Confirms: No Recovery Summer

Another bad jobs report demonstrates that the “recovery” is an illusion for many people.

The Politics Of The California Gay Marriage Decision

What impact will Judge Walker’s decision on Proposition 8 have on politics in 2010 and beyond ?

Sharron Angle: America is Violating the First Commandment (and No, I Didn’t Mean Amendment).

Sharron Angle has moved on from Second Amendment solutions to First Commandment ones…

Why Sharron Angle Still Has A Chance

Despite her mis-steps, Sharron Angle still has a shot at beating Harry Reid in November

Missouri Voters Pass Referendum Barring Health Insurance Mandates

Missouri voters became the latest to express displeasure with the new health care reform law yesterday.

Democrats’ “New” Strategy: Blame Bush

The Democrats are pulling a trick from the Reagan playbook for the fall campaign. They might want to rethink that.

Profile of Rand Paul

The Re-Invention Of Rand Paul

As the campaign in Kentucky heats up for the final sprint to November, Rand Paul seems to have succeeded in moving beyond many of the mis-steps that plagued him three months ago.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Obama To Congressional Dems: You May Not Want Me In Your District

Democrats have not figured out how to use President Obama during the upcoming Mid-Term campaign, if at all.

So Much For “Recovery Summer”

The latest GDP numbers are nothing but bad news for Democrats.

Why Charlie Rangel Will Likely Survive

Despite facing a thirteen-count ethics complaint, Charlie Rangel probably isn’t going anywhere.

Reid and Angle Neck-and-Neck in NV Polls

Angle is smartly focusing her commercials on the economy, and it is helping her numbers.