Playing The Gender Card In The O’Donnell Backlash

At least one Christine O’Donnell supporter thinks that Republicans who aren’t jumping on are bandwagon are doing so because of her gender.

Democrats “Major Announcement” Turns Out To Be Cheesy New Logo

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine thinks all his party’s problems will be solved with this new web site. Yea, that’s the problem you guys have this year, bad web design.

I Don’t Really Care If GOP Takes Back The Senate

I was never particularly hopeful that the GOP would retake the Senate, but even if it turns out that O’Donnell’s nomination prevents it from happening, I can’t bring myself to care all that much.

Number of the Day: Delaware Primary Edition

Let’s go to the numbers in Delaware.

Christine O’Donnell Buys Ads on OTB

Christine O’Donnell is buying ads on posts arguing that the party screwed itself by voting for her in yesterday’s Republican primary.

Delaware Senate: Coons Beats O’Donnell, Castle Would’ve Beaten Coons

Last night’s celebration in Wilmington is sure to be tempered just a bit by news that Christine O’Donnell is sixteen points behind her Democratic opponent.

The Tea Party, the GOP and Going Forward

Now we get to see how the Tea Party effects the GOP ove the medium to long term.

What the GOP Just Won in Delaware: a Likely Loss in November

The Delaware GOP now has, according to Nate Silver, a 17% chance of winning the Senate seat.

Redistricting and Race

While Republicans will likely take over some key governorships and state legislature after November’s midterms, America’s changing demographics will limit their ability to gerrymander safe districts.

Gingrich Draws Fire For Remarks About Obama’s “Kenyan Worldview”

Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.

A Tea Party Upset In New York ?

In addition to Delaware, the Tea Party movement appears to have a shot to upset an establishment candidate in New York.

Redistricting as the Spoils of Elections

The winners of state legislatures in November will have a great deal of influence over Congressional elections for the next decade. Should it be that way?

The Delaware Senate Race and the State of the GOP

Some thoughts on the Delware Senate race and the state of the GOP.

Boehner Willing To Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire For Wealthiest Americans

The political fight over the extension of the Bush tax cuts took a very interesting turn today.

NRA Endorses O’Donnell in Delaware

The Delaware GOP primary continues to get more intertesting.

Headline Reaction: Elizabeth Warren and the Base

Will appointing Elizabeth Warren to head a consumer protection agenda unleash an eruption of Democratic votes in November?

Rubio has Double-Digit Lead in Latest Poll

After weeks of trailing Republican-turned-Independent Charlie Crist in a three-way race, Republican Marco Rubio is leading the Florida Senate race.

About That Ten Point Democratic Gain In The Latest Gallup Poll

According to Gallup, there was a ten point move in the public’s preference on the Generic Congressional Ballot between last week and this week. What’s more likely is that Gallup is making a mistake somewhere.

Murkowski Still Looking To Get On Alaska Ballot

Despite conceding the primary race last week, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is apparently still trying to find a way to get on the November ballot.

Fifty-Six Days Out, A Tidal Wave Approaches

As the mid-term elections enter their final eight weeks, there’s more bad news for Democrats.

Delaware And The Battle Between The Beltway GOP And The Tea Party

Christine O’Donnell has become the latest star of the Tea Party movement, and her primary battle with Mike Castle the latest battleground over the future of the Republican Party.

Bad News For Democrats In The Buckeye State

Ohio has long been a bellwethers state and, if a new statewide poll is any indication, it looks to be ready to hand the Democrats a very bad defeat in November.

Democrats Preparing To Cut Losses In Vulnerable Races

Democrats are sending some of their candidates to the Death Panels.