Israel-Iran Proxy War Expands to Yemen

The fight has now expanded to a third front.

Netanyahu Isolated

The war cabinet is gone. He now owns the war completely.

Benny Gantz Quits War Cabinet, Calls for Elections

The moderates are gone.

Israel Hostage Rescue Creates Outrage

Joy of four returned safe is mixed with the reality of scores of dead Palestinians.

Biden Endorses Ceasefire, Phased Plan for Gaza

The President declares Hamas “no longer capable” of large-scale attack.

Did Rafah Tent Tragedy Cross Biden’s Red Line?

Some 45 are dead in what Israel calls a “tragic accident.”

The Day After in Gaza

The Israeli government has no plan. Its defense minister does.

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Holding Up Israel Arms Shipments

Is Rafah the breaking point?

No End in Sight for Gaza War

There is no obvious better state of the peace acceptable to both parties.

Hamas Accepts Ceasefire That’s Almost Certainly Unacceptable to Israel

Neither side is willing to give up on its war aims just yet.

Will Biden’s Israel Policy Matter in November?

Many Democrats are worried about the fallout.

US Preparing for Iranian Retaliatory Strike

The dance continues.

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Ratchets Up Pressure on Israel

A two-level game where unconditional support has conditions.

IDF Drone Strikes Kill International Aid Workers

A tragedy on multiple levels.

UN Security Council Demands Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

The United States abstained but did not exercise its veto power.

Red Lines

The perils of speaking loudly while carrying a small stick.

Netanyahu Doesn’t Care About World Opinion

Israel’s prime minister is defying red lines and humanitarian concerns.

Biden’s Gaza Dilemma

Some Democrats are threatening to sit November out.

Israel vs the World in Rafah

Netanyahu is defying the international community.

US Considering Recognizing Palestine

But probably won’t.

Wider Middle East War Appears Inevitable

Israel and Iran’s proxies are on a collision course.

Biden and Netanyahu at Odds Over Gaza War

The inevitable has happened.

What Next in Gaza?

The cease-fire will end. What follows is not at all clear.

Israel Agrees to Pause in Exchange for Hostage Release

Hamas gets rewarded for its crimes.

Heads of UN Agencies Call for Israeli Ceasefire

The laws of armed conflict aren’t designed for this war.

The (American) Politics of Israel-Palestine

Pick a side. No nuance allowed.

Israel Presses On Amid Calls for Ceasefire

Hamas continues to cynically manipulate the world’s humanitarian impulses.

Israeli Ground Offensive Underway

What comes next is anyone’s guess.

The Fine Line Between Supporter and Co-Belligerent

America’s involvement in the Israeli and Ukrainian war efforts is more than advertised.

A Foreign Policy Election?

A competent leader versus a lunatic would seem an easy choice. Alas.

Biden in Israel in Aftermath of Hospital Explosion

The timing is not auspicious.

President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina.

President Biden to Visit Israel

A high-stakes move.

Ending Hamas

What does “complete victory” look like?

Israel Forms Unity Government to Avenge Hamas Atrocities

Amid warnings of war crimes, no mercy is forthcoming.

Israel-Hamas War Update

The killing goes on.

Israel at War: It’s a Reckoning

A roundup of news and opinon.

Israel at War after Gaza Attack

The 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war sees a re-escalation.

Israel is Revolting

The Netanyahu government is facing massive strikes and protests over its latest authoritarian moves.

Netanyahu Returns as Israel’s Premier

The corrupt leader is back for a sixth term.

On the Number of Parties 2: Basic Counting, Part 2

This time: some multi-party examples.

Netanyahu Finally Out, But for How Long?

Israel’s long national nightmare is over. Or is it?

Israel’s Wanton Aggression

A reckless campaign of violence has now targeted American journalists.

Natanz Bombing More Effective Than Thought

Thousands of centrifuges have been destroyed.

Natanz Sidelined by Another Israeli Attack

Iran’s top nuclear facility is offline again.

Netanyahu Survives Likud Leadership Challenge

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu easily survived a challenge for leadership of the Likud Party.

Netanyahu Faces Challenge For Likud Party Leadership

Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a challenge for the leadership of the party he’s headed for more than a decade.

Israel Headed To Third Election In A Year

Having failed to form governments after two successive elections, Israel is headed for a third election inside of a year.

Benjamin Netanyahu Indicted On Multiple Charges

After a year of controversy and investigation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on charges of fraud and bribery.

Gantz Unable To Form New Government, Israeli Politics Becomes More Chaotic

Blue & White Party Leader Benny Gantz was unable to form a new government, throwing Israel into another political crisis.