Yes, Ted Cruz is Eligible to Be President Even Though Canadian-Born

There’s simply no question that a person born abroad to a US citizen is a ‘natural-born Citizen.’

The Attack In Boston Is Not Relevant To The Immigration Debate

Opponents of immigration reform are deceptively attempting to use the bombing attack in Boston to derail immigration reform.

Team USA, Xenophobia, and International Soccer

The former coach of an American team playing a foreign sport is upset that his foreign-born successor is using foreign-born Americans.

Rand Paul’s Fatally Flawed Immigration Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has stepped into the immigration debate, but his plan is less than desirable.

The GOP’s Problems Aren’t Just About “Messaging”

The GOP isn’t going to solve it’s problems solely by concentrating on “messaging.”

Rahm Emanuel 2016?

Rahm Emanuel is reportedly considering a 2016 presidential run. It’s a thin report.

US Government Can Kill Citizens But Not Strip Their Citizenship

It’s easier for your government to kill you than strip you of your citizenship.

Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.

Does All-Volunteer Military Break the Social Compact?

Andrew Bacevich bemoans the social impact of the all-volunteer force.

Bipartisan Senate Group Reaches Immigration Deal

A good start toward solving a long standing problem.

Marco Rubio’s Common Sense Immigration Reform Ideas

Marco Rubio has some good immigration reform ideas. Will his fellow Republicans listen to him?

Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Filibuster

An attempt to declare the filibuster unconstitutional has ended in failure.

Thomas Jefferson: Monster of Monticello?

In a NYT op-ed titled “The Monster of Monticello” Paul Finkelman expresses his befuddlement that people play down Thomas Jefferson’s legacy as a slave owner.

Are Republicans Finally Realizing Their Immigration Problem?

Republicans are starting to talk about immigration reform, but do they really mean it?

Fixing America’s Stupid Immigration Policy

Jon Huntsman calls for an end to “unforced errors in immigration policy.”

Peter Orszag: The Only Way To Save The Postal Service Is To Privatize it

The President’s former Budget Director joins the ranks of those calling for Postal privatization.

Is Algebra Hurting America?

Andrew Hacker argues that, while quantitative skills are “critical for informed citizenship and personal finance,” making kids master algebra to graduate high school has disastrous consequences.

More on Voter ID

Another study shows that voter ID laws negatively affect a lot of Americans.

Politics and Political Science

It would be nice if people who make authoritative decisions had some idea what they are talking about.

Obama Leads Romney 70% To 22% Among Latino Voters

Another poll demonstrates the serious problems that the GOP has with Latino voters.

Rush Limbaugh: Batman Villain Created In 1993 Is Attack On Romney

Rush Limbaugh made perhaps one of the dumber comments I’ve seen from the right about the entire Bain Capital story, and managed to display an apparent inability to use Google to look things up.

What is “Constitutional”?

What does the US Constitution actually provide in terms of guidance for governance?

Citizens United Was About Freedom Of Speech, Not “Corporate Rights.”

Opponents of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United continue to miss the point of what the case was really about.

Obama’s Immigration Policy Shift Was Legal, But Was It Proper?

President Obama’s immigration policy shift is legal, it’s good policy, but bypassing Congress won’t solve our immigration problems.

Obama to Ignore Immigration Law, Pretend DREAM Act Passed

Frustrated by its inability to get laws passed through Congress, the Obama administration has decided to stop following laws already passed by Congress.

Mitt Romney: Make Business Experience A Requirement For The Presidency

Mitt Romney thinks prospective Presidents should be required to have business experience.