Walker, Jindal, And Graham Endorse Donald Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship

It will never actually happen, of course, but some of Donald Trump’s fellow candidates for President have been eager to endorse his idea to abolish birthright citizenship.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan As Bad As You’d Expect

Donald Trump’s immigration plan is would create a police state, violate people’s rights, and hurt America’s economy. And his supporters will most likely love it.

Most Americans Support A Pathway To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

Another poll shows that most Americans, and even most Republicans, support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Donald Trump Is Rising In The Polls Because He’s Saying Things Republican Voters Agree With

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for the anti-immigrant Frankenstein in their midst.

Texas Is Being Sued For Refusing To Issue Birth Certificates To American Citizens

Despite the clear language of the 14th Amendment, Texas is apparently refusing to issue birth certificates to some children born in the United States whose parents happen to be in the country illegally.

The Party of Reagan on Immigration

A 1980 debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush shows a different GOP.

Can Lindsey Graham Win?

The NYT paints the longshot senator as a happy warrior trying to win the White House by doing it his way.

Scott Walker Set To Enter Presidential Race On July 13th

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be entering the race for President later this month, but it’s unclear if his recent turn to the hard right will help him or hurt him.

On Constitutional Language

Wherein I take the view that as our understanding of language changes, so too does our application of the Constiution.

Andrew Sullivan on Gay Marriage Ruling

Andrew Sullivan, perhaps the man most responsible for putting the notion of marriage equality into the national debate, has come out of his blogging retirement to weigh in on yesterday’s historic ruling.

Most Americans, Including Republicans, Support A Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

Yet another poll shows that most Americans support a path to citizenship, and that a majority of Republican agree with them.

Lindsey Graham Begins His Long Shot Bid For The Presidency

Lindsey Graham is the latest entrant into the Presidential race, but it’s hard to see how he gets out of the bottom of the polls.

Lindsey Graham Is Running For President For Some Reason

For reasons only he can understand. South Carolina’s senior Senator will be entering the race for the White House early next month.

Some Texas Republicans Are Freaking Out Over A Military Exercise Called ‘Jade Helm 15’

There must be something odd in the water in the Lone Star State, because a bizarre conspiracy theory seems to have taken root there.

Making A Play For Latino Voters, Clinton Backs Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

In a move that is clearly designed to have an impact in the General Election, Hillary Clinton came out in support of broad immigration reform in Nevada yesterday.

Republicans Are Talking About Eliminating Birthright Citizenship Again

Republicans on Capitol Hill are talking about fundamentally changing what it means to be an American, and it’s a bad idea.

Scott Walker Is Now Apparently Against Legal Immigration Too

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is now appealing to the worst aspects of economic populism on the right.

It Looks Like Lindsey Graham Is Running For President

And the fun part is that his main motive for running appears to be the opportunity to troll Rand Paul.

Marco Rubio Enters The Race For President

Marco Rubio is the first Republican in the race who actually has a plausible chance to win the nomination, but it’s not going to be easy.

Yes, Ted Cruz Is A “Natural Born Citizen”

Just in case there’s any question, yes, Ted Cruz is Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

Oregon Adopts Automatic Voter Registration

Oregon has become the first state in the nation to adopt universal automatic voter registration.

Putting the Civil Rights Movement into Historical Perspective

Thinking about comparative American struggles against tyranny.

Scott Walker Flip Flops On Immigration Reform

Just as his political star is rising among conservatives, Scott Walker is walking back his previous support for immigration reform.

Republican Support For Same-Sex Marriage On The Rise

A new poll of 2016 primary voters shows that even Republicans are coming to accept that gays and lesbians should have the right to get married.

The Domestic Side of National Security

Another commentary on the National Security Strategy, this one at The Hill.

Will The Paris Terror Attack Undercut Republican Efforts On DHS Budget?

The terror attack in Paris seems likely to undercut GOP efforts to use the DHS budget to attack the President’s immigration policies.

Federal Judge Kind Of, Sort Of Finds Obama’s Immigration Action Unconstitutional In Poorly Reasoned Decision

A Federal Judge has issued a ruling that sort of says that President Obama’s Immigration action is unconstitutional. Except it’s poorly reasoned, and apparently not legally binding on anyone.

Republican Reaction To Obama’s Executive Action Makes Immigration Reform Much Less Likely

Judging by recent polling, the President’s executive action has hardened GOP opposition to immigration reform, making progress on the issue going forward much less likely.

Republicans Battle Over Government Funding, Responding To Obama On Immigration

It’s an old story. Republican leadership wants to avoid a government shutdown, but the hard core conservatives want a fight, this time over the President’s immigration action. We have a week to see how it unfolds.

Americans Support The Substance Of Obama’s Immigration Policy, Not How He Implemented It

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans support the President’s changes to deportation policy, but don’t like that he acted unilaterally.

Six Observations on Immigration Reform

Some points on the immigration debate that need constant (it seems) reinforcement.

Republicans Would Be More Credible On Immigration If They Had A Plan Of Their Own

The fact that Republicans lack anything approaching a coherent immigration plan makes it hard to take their criticism of the President seriously.

Obama Announces Immigration Plan, But Constitutional Confrontation Lies Ahead

On substance, the President’s immigration actions aren’t very objectionable. How he is implementing them, though, is problematic and seems needlessly confrontational.

GOP Options In Response To Obama’s Executive Action Are Limited, Perhaps Non-Existent

In the end, there appears to be very little, if anything, the GOP can do to stop or roll back the executive actions the President will announce Thursday evening.

There’s Little Evidence That Voter ID Laws Impacted The 2014 Elections

Based on the available evidence, there’s very little evidence that Voter ID laws had a significant impact on the midterm elections.

Americans Oppose Unilateral Executive Action On Immigration, But Support Immigration Reform

A new poll provides some interesting context to the political context to the President’s expected executive action on immigration.

President Obama’s Immigration Threat Is Politically Naive And Unrealistic

President Obama’s threat to take action on immigration if Congress doesn’t act by the end of the year ignores political reality,

Tenth Circuit Bars Effort By Kansas, Arizona To Add To Requirements For Voter Registration

States may not add to Federal requirements for voter registration, the Court rules. Which makes perfect sense.

Supreme Court Rejects Legal Challenge To Filibuster

Not unexpectedly, the Supreme Court has declined to hear a case challenging the Constitutionality of the Senate filibuster.

Law Enforcement Claims New Apple And Google Encryption Policies Will Hurt Investigations

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are pushing back against Apple and Google’s efforts to provide greater privacy to users.. They’re wrong.

Should We Let 16 And 17 Year Olds Vote?

After success in Scotland, it may be time to consider allowing at least some teenagers to vote.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Strategy

Obama’s current policy—tactical level strikes with no obvious long-term strategic aim—may well be the best we can hope for.

GOP Congressman: DREAMers Cannot Be Trusted To Serve In The Military

Once again, Republicans demonstrate why they have problems with Latino voters.

Tea Party Set To Lose Its Final Two Battles In Kansas And Tennessee

The Tea Party v. “establishment” battle in the GOP has been pretty one-sided this year.

Obama To Take New Executive Action On Immigration?

According to some reports, President Obama may be about to make an end run around Congressional inaction on immigration reform.

Jose Antonio Vargas Is A Symbol For Immigration Reform, Not A Candidate For Deportation

Jose Antonio Vargas was brought to the U.S. at the age of 12 and never left. Now, some are suggesting he should be deported as soon as possible.

Ingraham’s Immigration Policy Prescriptions

Discussions about immigration policy are, unfortunately, very much like Groundhog Day.