Presidential Immunity and the Catch-22 of American Politics

All of the legal remedies are impossible.

SCOTUS on Presidential Immunity: It Depends

Too little, too late.

SCOTUS Overturns Chevron

The court amplified its power at the expense of the administrative state.

The Ongoing Erosion of SCOTUS

The Alitos and the upside-down flag.

An Observation or Two on SCOTUS

Well, more than two…

Trump the Supreme Loser

He appointed a third of the Justices but has the worst record before them in modern history.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

Televising Trump’s Trial

His lawyers and Democratic lawmakers are urging an exception.

On Diversity and Standards

A Representative’s slip of the tongue and the ensuing debate.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Alabama Districts

A surprising ruling on the Voting Rights Act.

Supreme Court Sides with Company Over Teamster Vandals

Dueling headlines give radically different impressions of the same case.

Trans-friendly Supreme Court

The nation’s highest court has gone all woke.

Jane Roberts, the Supreme Court, and Conflicts of Interest

The Chief Justice’s wife is making a lot of money.

Biden Student Loan Forgiveness in Danger

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority is signaling an unfavorable ruling.

A Spotify for News

Publishers and consumers want very different business models.

Supreme Court Poised to Upend Everything

The term that kicks off today could undermine our entire system of government.

Roberts and the Court’s Legitimacy

Roberts may not like it, but SCOTUS is political and does have a legitimacy problem.

Ketanji Brown Jackson to Be Sworn in Today

Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring today and will swear his former law clerk in his replacement.

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

The leaked draft is now the law of the land.

Protesting at Officials’ Homes

Is harassing judges, mayors, Senators, and the like in their private lives just free speech?

Supreme Court Overturning Roe (Probably)

POLITICO has obtained what purports to be the 1st draft of the opinion.

New York’s Gerrymandering Disarmament

When doing the right thing is the wrong thing.

Clarence Thomas’ Continuing Conflict

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Alas.

SCOTUS Strikes Down Disclosure Law

Another 6-3 decision along ideological lines.

Kavanaugh’s Bizarre Rationale

Things that make you go Hmmm.

Some CRT Theory/Politics of Race Thoughts

You know, some light weekend thoughts.

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SCOTUS Lifts California Worship Ban

How should we balance public health and fundamental rights?

The Pending Electoral Vote Challenge

It will be symbolic, but the symbol will be an anti-democratic one.

Was I Wrong on Harriet Miers?

Rethinking what qualities we should be looking for in Supreme Court Justices.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933-2020

The iconic Supreme Court justice has died at the age of 87.

SCOTUS Allows Subsidies for Religious Schools

A seemingly obvious result that isn’t.

Why Roberts Sided with Abortion Rights

Is the Chief Justice laying a trap or simply ‘calling balls and strikes’?

Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Law

A reprise of an almost identical case with a different group of Justices–and the Chief Justice switching sides.

SCOTUS Hands Trump DACA Defeat

Donald Trump would be a more effective and dangerous President if he and his team were more competent.

SCOTUS Rules Congress Can’t Reneg on ObamaCare Insurer Bailout

An 8-1 rebuke from the nation’s highest court.

Lousiana’s Weak Case for Abortion Regulation

A case that should never have made it to the Supreme Court.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Fifth Circuit Strikes Down PPACA Individual Mandate

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the PPACA”s individual mandate unconstitutional but left the fate of the rest of the law unresolved.

Justices Divided On Extending Civil Rights Laws To LGBT Employees

Yesterday, the Supreme Court held oral argument in a series of cases asking it to decide if existing civil rights laws cover discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Pressed By Impeachment, Trump Is Clearly Losing It

The past week has demonstrated more notably than any other that this President is not well.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Continue Career Of Lying For Donald Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed on with Fox News Channel to continue her career of lying on behalf of the President.

Ginsburg Offers Praise For Gorsuch And Kavanaugh

Justice Ginsburg has some kind words for her two newest co-workers, perhaps to the surprise of many of Ginsburg’s own supporters.

John Paul Stevens, Former Supreme Court Justice, Dies At 99

Just over nine years after retiring from the Supreme Court, former Associate Justice John Paul Stevens has passed away at the age of 99.

Fifth Circuit Appears Skeptical Of Constitutionality Of PPACA

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard argument yesterday in a case that could radically impact health care coverage for millions of Americans.

Appeals Court To Hear Argument Today In Case That Could Upend Obamacare

Later today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear argument in a case that could upend the Affordable Care Act.

Supreme Court Hands Trump Administration A Loss In Census Citizenship Case

In a clear defeat for the Trump Administration, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that the Federal Government could not ask about citizenship on the 2020 Census.

People For The American Way STOP GORSUCH FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RALLY in front of the United States Supreme Court on First Street, NE, Washington DC on Tuesday night, 31 January 2017 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography People For The American Way STOP GORSUCH FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RALLY in front of the United States Supreme Court on First Street, NE, Washington DC on Tuesday night, 31 January 2017 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography

Gorsuch Confounding Expectations

President Trump’s first Supreme Court appointment has joined the liberal bloc on several cases.

Supreme Court Dismisses Virginia Legislature’s Effort To Challenge Racial Gerrymandering Ruling

The Supreme Court rejected an effort by the Virginia House of Delegates to overturn a Federal Court ruling that the state’s district lines constituted gerrymandering by race. But they didn’t rule on the merits of the appeal.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hints At Deep Divisions As Supreme Court Nears End Of Term

As the Supreme Court enters the final weeks of its term, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hints at deep divisions and disappointment for people on the left.

Previewing A Busy June At The Supreme Court

Starting tomorrow, we should be getting some headline-grabbing opinions from the Supreme Court.