Israel-Iran Proxy War Expands to Yemen

The fight has now expanded to a third front.

Netanyahu Isolated

The war cabinet is gone. He now owns the war completely.

Israel Hostage Rescue Creates Outrage

Joy of four returned safe is mixed with the reality of scores of dead Palestinians.

Why the IDF Fights As It Does

A small, conscript-driven military has very different training and doctrine than ours.

Iran’s President and Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

A shocking development amidst regional turmoil.

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War, Maturity, and Necessity

Are we avoiding facing hard truths?

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Holding Up Israel Arms Shipments

Is Rafah the breaking point?

Terry Anderson, center, accompanied by his sister Peggy Say, left, and Madeleine Bassil, right, in Germany, Dec. 5, 1991. (AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle, File) Terry Anderson, center, accompanied by his sister Peggy Say, left, and Madeleine Bassil, right, in Germany, Dec. 5, 1991. (AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle, File)

Terry Anderson, 1947-2024

The AP journalist taken hostage for almost seven years has died.

Iran’s Intent and Israel’s Next Move

Two related questions.

Faith In Democracy on the Decline

People around the world are more skeptical about governing institutions.

Biden Joins the Israel Outrage Bandwagon

The Netanyahu government has few friends.

Israel Kills Qud Force Leaders; Iran Vows Revenge

Another escalation in the longstanding “shadow war.”

President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

US-UK Strike Houthi Targets

The inevitable response to attacks on international shipping.

Wider Middle East War Appears Inevitable

Israel and Iran’s proxies are on a collision course.

A Bad Year For The West?

The BBC’s security correspondent thinks so.

Biden and Netanyahu at Odds Over Gaza War

The inevitable has happened.

US Alone In Support For Israel War Effort

World opinion and American opinion diverge significantly.

American Doctor Told He’s No Longer a Citizen

A bureaucratic nightmare.

Iranian Proxy War Escalating

Tehran-backed forces are routinely shooting at American forces.

Heads of UN Agencies Call for Israeli Ceasefire

The laws of armed conflict aren’t designed for this war.

US-Iran Tensions Escalate

The war in Israel is in danger of expanding.

President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina.

President Biden to Visit Israel

A high-stakes move.

Israel, Hamas, and the Laws of War

It’s . . . complicated.

Ending Hamas

What does “complete victory” look like?

Israel Forms Unity Government to Avenge Hamas Atrocities

Amid warnings of war crimes, no mercy is forthcoming.

Israel at War: It’s a Reckoning

A roundup of news and opinon.

Israel Long War Update

It is escalating quickly.

Americans Don’t Live as Long as We Should

We’re falling further behind for many reasons.

Turkey-Syria Quake Kills 1300+

A natural disaster has compounded a man-made one.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Turkey Sending Banned Munitions to Ukraine

A controversial artillery round is being used effectively against Russian forces.

An Extreme Example of the Problem with Primaries

Nobody is keeping the gate.

Hezbollah in Latin America! (Part Gazillion)

A possible murder plot in Colombia embedded into a problematic multi-decade narrative.

George Shultz, 1920-2021

The longtime public servant has died, aged 100.

Political Culture Eats Institutions For Lunch

Institutional reform is necessary, but we can’t accomplish much in the face of tribalism.

Israeli Bomb Sets Back Iranian Nuclear Program

The Natanz fuel enrichment site has been seriously damaged.

U.S. Drone Strike Hits Head Of Iranian Revolutionary Guard

An American drone strike has taken out the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a move likely to significantly increase tensions across the Middle East.

Israel Headed To Third Election In A Year

Having failed to form governments after two successive elections, Israel is headed for a third election inside of a year.

Turkish Forces Cross Border Into Northern Syria, Hit Kurdish Areas

Just days after President Trump agreed to remove American forces from the scene, Turkish forces are entering northern Syria and Kurdish forces say they ar ready for war.

Major Drone Strike Hits Large Saudi Oil Facility

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for a massive attack on an important Saudi oil facility.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Formally Splits Away From Moscow

In a move that is likely to have political and international consequences, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has officially severed ties with Moscow.

Trump Sides With Saudis In Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

In what has to qualify as one of the most horrifying displays of moral depravity on the international stage, the Trump Administration is saying it doesn’t really care if the Saudi Crown Prince is a murderer or not.

Will Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Undermine The Saudi Crown Prince? Probably Not.

The investigation of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is inching closer to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, but it seems unlikely to impact his hold on power.

Saudi Arabia Finally Admits Jamal Khashoggi’s Death Was Premeditated

Saudi Arabia’s story about the disappearance and death of Jamal Khashoggi continues to “evolve.”

Eastern Orthodox Schism Grows Wider

The dispute over Ukraine between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Patriarch is widening and nearing the point of a complete break.

Saudis Acknowledge Jamal Khashoggi Is Dead, Offer Utterly Ridiculous Explanation

The Saudi Arabian Government is finally acknowledging that Jamal Khashoggi is dead. Their explanation for his death, though, is too absurd to be believed.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

Donald Trump The Saudi Apologist

President Trump is serving as a knowing apologist for a despotic regime.