The 17th Amendment, Federalism, And Reversing History

Would returning to indirect election of Senators really have a significant impact on the growth of the Federal Government? Probably not.

Bush Tax Cut Extension Near

Republican maneuvering to extend the Bush tax cuts for all Americans appears about to pay off.

Why Democrats Are Losing The Tax Cut Debate

Democrats are losing the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, but when you look at the playing field it seems pretty clear that that they never had a chance.

Senate Rejects Democratic Plans On Tax Cut Extension

The Senate rejected an effort to limit the extension of the Bush tax cuts based on income level. At this point, the only question is when Democrats will concede defeat on this debate.

Repeal Amendment’s Practical Application

If 33 states can muster support to kill a law, how would it have gotten enacted to begin with?

Republicans Aim to Fix Budget Process

Incoming House Speaker John Boehner plans a radical overhaul of how Congress spends our money.

Fix The Filibuster By Making Senators Actually Filibuster

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley wants to fix the filibuster by making Senators actually filibuster. It’s a good idea.

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Health Care Reform Law

Another Federal Judge dismisses a Constitutional challenge to the health care reform law, and demonstrates just how unlikely it is that any of the lawsuits against the law will be successful.

A Republican Civil War: Unlikely Or Inevitable?

The Republican Party is united on the issues in a way it hasn’t been in a long time, but personalities threaten to tear the fragile coalition apart.

Interpol Issues Julian Assange Arrest Warrant

The Feds famously got notorious mobster Al Capone on tax evasion charges. Will WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be done in by sex crimes?

DeLay Guilty . . . Of What, Exactly?

Tom DeLay is a sleazebag and has been found guilty by an Austin jury for skirting the law. But it may in fact be a miscarriage of justice despite the victim being as unsympathetic as it gets.

Body Scanners on Trains, Boats, and Subways?

Looking to avoid airport body scanners? You might not be able to do it on any form of public transit if Janet Napolitano gets her way.

Ron Paul: Prosecute TSA Agents for Groping

Ron Paul has introduced a law (the “American Traveler Dignity Act”) that would punish TSA agents for groping and x-raying Americans.

Bush Tax Cuts On The Table In December, Public Backs Democratic Position

Congress will vote on extending the Bush Tax Cuts in December, and new polling shows that the public agrees with Democrats that the cuts should be limited to the “middle class.”

Defeated Senators, Arms Treaties, And Lame Duck Sessions

Unless there’s an emergency, is it proper for representatives who have been defeated in a mid-term election to be voting on controversial legislation?

What’s a Lame Duck Congress to Do?

Some Republican Senators-elect are imploring Harry Reid not to consider any treaties during the lame duck session.

Investigative Journalism, RIP

The Washington Independent goes dark in December, failing to find profitability in three years.

Social Conservatives Respond To Tea Party Call For Truce On Social Issues

The response from social conservatives to the call for a truce on social issues is about what you’d expect.

Heath Shuler To Democrats: It’s Time To Change Quarterbacks

Former Washington Redskins Quarterback, and current Congressman, Heath Shuler has launched a quixotic campaign against Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader.

Lame Duck Congresses And The Constitution

While not inherently unconstitutional, lame duck Congresses have the potential for violating the spirit of the Constitution and create the potential for mischief on the part of Representatives who have been thrown out of office.

USPS Loses $ 8.5 Billion, Warns Of Bankruptcy

The U.S. Postal Service is warning Congress that it could run out of cash next year without a government bailout. Meaning that this is the perfect opportunity to reform an organization that has been out-of-date for a decade now.

Earmark Reform: Who Decides How Tax Money is Spent?

Unless eliminating earmarks coincides with a radical reconception of how our government operates, it may be a step in the wrong direction.

Report: 70% Of Soldiers Support DADT Repeal

New details are out about the upcoming Defense Department report on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Rand Paul, The Tea Party, And The Phony “War On Earmarks”

Rand Paul is taking some heat for remarks that may or may not indicate that he’s backtracking on his previous vow not to seek earmark spending for Kentucky. Yes folks, the phony war on earmarks is back.

New York Times Calls On Democrats To Reject Pelosi

The New York Times has joined the mostly muted chorus calling on Democrats to select someone other than Nancy Pelosi as their new Minority Leader. In all likelihood, their call will go unheeded.

Can Senate Democrats Eliminate The Filibuster? Should They?

With Democrats set to maintain their majority in the Senate, some on the left are pushing for filibuster reform. However, it seems unlikely that Harry Reid has the votes to change a long-standing Senate rule.

Bachmann v. Hensarling A Microcosm Of Internal GOP Battles

The race between Jeb Hensarling and Michelle Bachmann for Chair of the House GOP Conference is a microcosm for a battle that is likely to take place within the GOP for the next two years.

Nancy Pelosi Staying as Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi is strongly considering staying in Congress as Minority Leader. It’s her job if she wants it.

Mitch McConnell: Defeating Obama In 2012 Crucial To GOP Agenda

Mitch McConnell made clear today that he’s targeting Barack Obama for defeat in two years.

What Should the GOP House do Now?

Ok, what strategy should Speaker Boehner pursue?

GOP Victory/Tea Party Victory: Is There a Difference?

Ok, so we’ve been talking about the Tea Party for months. What will that label means once we actually have elections and move on to the governing bit?

The 112th Congress: A “Do Nothing Congress”?

Republicans are promising two years of gridlock and obstructionism if they take control of Congress, but is that really what the people who are likely to vote for them next week really want?

Time To End Government Subsidies For Public Broadcasting?

The firing of Juan Williams from NPR has led many conservatives to call for an end to government subsidies. As is often the case, they’re right but for the wrong reasons.

Nancy Pelosi Gets ‘It’ Done

John Cole is ashamed that some House Democrats are running against Nancy Pelosi, given her effectiveness. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?

Reason’s Meredith Bragg and Nick Gillespie have a pretty amusing rejoinder to the Obama administration’s attempts to smear the anonymous funding of television ads opposed to their agenda in a video titled “Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?”

The Obama Coalition Crumbles, And Obama Blames The Voters (Again)

The coalition of voters that propelled Barack Obama to an historic victory in 2008 is seemingly falling apart, and the President is reacting by blaming the voters.

Presidential Transitions To Start Before President Actually Elected

A new law allows Presidential candidates to set up transition offices while they’re still running for election, perhaps providing an opportunity for shortening the 2 1/2 month interregnum between Election Day and Inauguration Day.

Worst. Debate. Ever. But, Advantage Angle

Last night’s one and only Nevada Senate Debate was an embarrassing affair all around, but it most likely sealed the electoral doom of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Federal Judge Allows Multi-State Lawsuit Against Health Care Reform Law To Proceed

A Federal Judge in Florida has handed a significant, albeit procedural, victory to the opponents of ObamaCare.

VFW Endorses Non-Vet Over Allen West, Retired LTC

The Veterans of Foreign Wars has endorsed Ron Klein, who never served a day in uniform, over retired LTC Allen West, a decorated veteran of several foreign wars. Is this an outrage?

Loud Commercials Outlawed

They might not be able to fix the economy or the healthcare system or agree on an efficient tax policy but Congress has managed to reach accord on one of the most serious problems facing America: loud television commercials.

Jim DeMint Vows To Shut Down Senate

If South Carolina’s Jim DeMint has his way, the Senate won’t be conducting any business unless he approves of it.

Filibuster Reform

Under what conditions might we see filibuster reform?

House Republicans Unveil Underwhelming “Pledge To America”

In 1994, it was the Contract With America. In 2010, it’s the Pledge To America. But does it really mean anything regardless of what it’s called ?

Senate Fails To Invoke Cloture On Defense Bill, DADT Repeal

The effort to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell suffered a setback in the Senate today that likely delays any further moves on the issue until after the midterm elections.