Does Haley Barbour Have An Immigration Problem?

Haley Barbour is making all the moves toward a 2012 Presidential run, but his stand on immigration issues could pose a problem in the Republican primaries.

Moderate Democrats Turning Against PPCACA’s Individual Mandate

Four Senators who just happen to be up for re-election next year are silently looking for alternatives to the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

Arizona Hates The Constitution, Loves Nullification

Arizona looks to be the latest state to try to revive the discredited doctrine of nullification.

No, No-One Is Trying To “Redefine” Rape

No, the legislation does not in any way “suggest that some kind of rape that would be okay.”

How Antonin Scalia May Save The Individual Mandate

A 2005 concurring opinion from Antonin Scalia may be the piece of legal reasoning that ultimately saves the Affordable Care Act in the Courts.

Second Federal Judge Declares Health Care Reform Law Unconstitutional

A second Federal District Court judge has declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.

Egypt And The Internet Kill Switch

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak responded to mass unrest by cutting off his people from the outside world. Do we really want an American President to have the same power?

Senate Eases Confirmation Process

The Senate leadership has agreed to exempt 1/3 of nominations from the confirmation process.

Rand Paul, David Vitter Take Aim At Birthright Citizenship

Two Senators are proposing a Constitutional Amendment to redefine what it means to be an American citizen.

House Moves to End Public Financing of Presidential Campaigns

The House has voted to repeal the broken system of financing presidential elections.

Bipartisan Budget Busting

It is always easier to compromise on more spending and less taxes.

Filibuster Reform Appears To Be Dead

Once again, it looks like efforts to reform the Senate’s filibuster rules have fallen victim to that old devil politics.

Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

House Votes 245-189 To Repeal Affordable Care Act

In a move that surprises nobody, the House voted today to repeal last year’s health care reform law. Now it goes to the Senate where it will die.

The Health Care Debate Underscore the Fundamental Problem with the GOP

The current approach of the GOP to health care is not dissimilar to its approach to fiscal policy: not a lot of substance.

Lee-Jackson Day And The South’s Continuing Confederate Fetish

It’s Lee-Jackson Day again in Virginia, and, once again, I find myself wondering why the South continues to honor a dishonorable legacy.

House Republicans To Take Up Repeal Of ObamaCare 1099 Reporting Rules

There appears to be bipartisan support for repealing one of the most egregious tax rules in last year’s Affordable Care Act

Sarah Palin Blasts Media For “Blood Libel” Against Her Over Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin released a statement today about the Arizona shootings and the debate that has followed. It’s unlikely to help her.

Illinois’ 66 Percent Tax Hike

Faced with mounting debt, the lame duck Illinois legislature rushed through a massive tax hike in the wee hours this morning.

Gun Rights and Crazy People

We have laws preventing the sales of gun to crazy people. We’re not enforcing them very well.

Deficits, the CBO and H.R. 2

When determining the effects on the deficit of a certain legislative action, both revenues and spending have to be accounted for. Indeed, you can’t determine whether there is a deficit, surplus or balanced budget without both variables.

Republicans Want to Ban Czars

House Republicans want to do away with the increasing number of “czars” in the White House.

Democrats Filibuster Reform Package: On The Whole, A Good Idea

The filibuster reform package that Senate Democrats unveiled yesterday has much to recommend to it. Unfortunately, it’s probably doomed.

A Little Senate 101

Is the filibuster essential for the Senate to function as designed?

Obama May Bypass Guantánamo Rules

President Obama is likely to issue a signing statement in order to keep his Gitmo options open.

More Talk of 14th Amendment Reform

The author of AZ’s SB1070 has a new idea.