House Will Take Up Repeal Of ObamaCare Before State Of The Union

The next round in the health care reform wars is about to start.

Trouble In Tea Party Paradise

Will the Tea Party Movement grow up?

Today In Religious Liberty: Jefferson Writes Of The “Wall Of Separation”

208 years ago today, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to The Danbury Baptist Association that has resonated through the years.

Wikileaks, The Pentagon Papers, And The First Amendment

The lawyer who argued The Pentagon Papers case points out how Julian Assange is not Daniel Ellsberg, and how prosecuting him could have disastrous results for press freedom in the United States.

2011: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts are calling for bipartisanship in the New Year.

Constitution: An Invitation to Struggle

Like it or not, the U.S. Constitution has always been a political document, evolving depending on the players on the stage.

Caption Contest Winners

The Christmas Cheer Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

Hawaii’s Governor Seeks To End The Birther Myth Once And For All

Hawaii’s new Governor is taking on the Birther myth.

EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change

Frustrated that it couldn’t achieve desired environmental legislation despite huge majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Obama administration has decided to govern by executive fiat.

History 101: Tariffs, Secession and the General Politico-Economics of Slavery

Those who argue that tariff increases, and not slavery, were the key reason for secession have some basic problems with the historical sequence.

Thoughts On Partisanship, The Senate, And Filibusters

The abuse of the filibuster is just a symptom of a much wider problem.

Filibuster Reform On The Agenda For 2011?

For the first time in 35 years, the Senate may finally be on the verge of reforming the filibuster.

Obama Wants to Give America Back to Indians!

President Obama is supporting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Is this the end of America?

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Neither Side Happy

The Federal Communications Commission is using a statute from the 1930s to try to regulate the technology of the 21st Century. It’s a mistake.

The Problem that Barbour has Conjured

What the Haley Barbour situation illustrates is that we, as a country, have not fully accepted or dealt with our own past.

Memo To South Carolina: Your Secession Is Nothing To Celebrate

150 years ago today a group of men gathered in Charleston, South Carolina and made one of the gravest mistakes in American history. They should not be honored for it.

ROTC Returning to Ivies

The repeal of DADT may open the doors for ROTC to return to many elite institutions, if cost doesn’t get in the way.

Health Care Reform and Political Constraints

How likely are more sweeping health care reforms in the US? Not very likely at all.

DADT Repealed

The Congress has passed a repeal of DADT.

Lame-Duck Congresses: Bug, Or Feature?

The 20th Amendment was supposed to eliminate lame duck sessions, but it didn’t.

Back to Health Care Reform: Government Takeovers and Free Markets

Did we have a free market in health care prior to the passage of PPACA? No.

ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate, And The Power Of Congress, Face A Test In Florida

The new health care law’s individual mandate was the subject of another bruising court battle yesterday, but the real question in the room was what, if any, are the limits on Congressional authority?

I Don’t Think that Means What You Think it Means (DeMint, Sacrilege and Delays)

Since when is working the week before Christmas sacrilege?

Republican Hypocrisy On Pork Barrel Spending

The incoming House Republicans aren’t making a good first impression.

Why The Supreme Court Is Likely To Uphold ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate

Despite yesterday’s victory for opponents of the Affordable Care Act, the prospects in the Supreme Court are not good.

Conservatives For Higher Taxes

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and, when it comes to the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, anti-tax Republicans are making common cause with soak-the-rich progressives.

Federal Judge: Health Care Law Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge in Virginia has handed the first legal defeat to the President’s health care reform package.

The Julian Assange Case, Consent, And Rape

Inspired by the reaction to the Julian Assange case, a feminist writer proposes dangerous changes to American rape laws.

Sweet Deals: Tax Package Set for Senate Vote

The Senate has constructed the legislation to correspond to the Obama-McConnell deal, sweeteners and all.

Republicans Block 9/11 Health Bill

Republicans have blocked a bill that would have helped rescue workers who became sick helping others at Ground Zero.

Democrats Cancel DREAM Vote

Senate Democrats cancel vote on DREAM Act, meaning the immigration measure is likely dead for the year.

Anti-Earmark Republicans Looking For Ways Around Earmark Ban

Just weeks after voting for a broad ban on earmarks, Republicans are looking for ways to get money to their districts without calling it an “earmark.”

Obama Defends Tax Cut Deal As Democrats Signal Opposition

Amid signs that Democrats in Congress might rebel against the tax cut deal he struck with Republicans, President Obama took to the airwaves today to defend it at the same time that his base is rebelling against it.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?