The Fox News Primary

More than ever before in the past, Fox News Channel will be the exclusive medium through which many of the candidates for the 2012 Republican nomination communicate with the public. And that’s a problem.

Howard Fineman to HuffPo

In yet another sign of how rapidly the media landscape is changing, longtime Newsweek stalwart is leaving for the Huffington Post.

Gingrich Draws Fire For Remarks About Obama’s “Kenyan Worldview”

Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.

Washington Post Columnist Falls For Twitter Fake Congressman Parody

The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is suffering a little New Media embarrassment after writing a blog post based on comments by a Congressman who doesn’t exist.

Fifty-Six Days Out, A Tidal Wave Approaches

As the mid-term elections enter their final eight weeks, there’s more bad news for Democrats.

Obama On Iraq: “We Have Met Our Responsibility. Now, It’s Time To Turn The Page”

President Obama didn’t use the words “Mission Accomplished” last night, but the message was the same.

Whites-Only Class President Rule Ends at Mississippi School

A rule allowing only white students to run for class president at a Mississippi middle school has been quickly changed after the Internet brought attention to it.

President Obama Defends “Ground Zero” Mosque, Religious Freedom

President Obama waded into the “Ground Zero” mosque controversy at a Ramadan dinner last night.

MSNBC/WSJ Poll Reveals Gloomy, Pessimistic Electorate

According to a new MSNBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the public that will head to the polls in November is increasingly gloomy and pessimistic.

White House Unloads On “Professional Left”

The White House seems to be getting annoyed at the criticism coming it’s way from the left.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.

Leading Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Protester Discharged From Army

Recently Lt. Dan Choi chained himself to the White House fence to protest Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Yesterday, he found out that he’d been discharged from the Army because he’s gay.

Charles Rangel Facing Ethics Charges

Charles Rangel, who recently stepped aside as Chairman of House Ways And Means Committee, is facing ethics charges.

Sherrod, Breitbart, Beck, And A Weak Presidency

Among the other lessons it teaches us, the Shirley Sherrod incident shows that the Obama Administration is seemingly becoming weaker by the day.

Bogus Polling May Have Influenced Arkansas Senate Race

The Democratic Senate primary in Arkansas may have been influenced by questionable poll results from Research 2000.

Larry King Hanging Up The Suspenders

The most shocking news about Larry King’s retirement announcement was the realization that he was still on the air.

Dave Weigel, MSNBC Contributor

Dave Weigel lands on his feet as a contributor for MSNBC.

Elliot Spitzer Gets Prime Time Show On CNN

Client No. 9 will be appearing every weeknight at 8pm Eastern.

General McChrystal Crosses The Line

General Stanley McChrystal is opening his mouth again and, this time, it could cost him his job.

The President is Just Like…

It is notoriously difficult to judge a presidency mid-stream.

BP Bob

Fixing CNN

State Controlled Media