Diagnosing The Odd Relationship Between Sarah Palin And The Media

The American media and Sarah Palin have developed an odd symbiotic relationship, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

Tucson, Political Rhetoric, And Where We Go From Here

There is a problem with political rhetoric in this country, but telling people to be nicer to each other isn’t going to cool it down.

The Inevitable Oklahoma City/Tucson Comparisons, And Why They’re Wrong

It was, perhaps, inevitable that someone would attempt to draw a comparison between Saturday’s shootings in Arizona and the Oklahoma City bombing, but the two events really don’t have anything in common.

Daley Pick As Chief Of Staff A Sign Of A New White House?

President Obama’s selection of Bill Daley as Chief of Staff is being seen as a sign that the White House is moving to the center and gearing up for 2012.

The Constitution, Politics, And The Eternal Hamiltonian-Jeffersonian Battle

Constitutional ambiguity is as old as, well, it’s as old as the Constitution itself

No, Net Neutrality Is Not A Government Takeover Of The Internet

Contrary to current conservative talking points, Net Neutrality is not a nefarious government scheme to takeover the Internet, but is aimed to address a real problem. Like most ideas that involve the government, though, it doesn’t really address the real source of the problem; not enough freedom

Internal Memos Reveal Effort To Spin Health Care Debate At Fox News

Internal memos reveal that Fox News spins the news in ways that favor conservative Republicans. Is that really news?

John McCain and DADT

Despite the Defense Department releasing its study showing that the effects of allowing gays to serve openly would be minimal, Senator John McCain isn’t convinced.

Joe Scarborough: Time For GOP To Man Up And Take On Sarah Palin

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wants the GOP to stop kowtowing to Sarah Palin and her acolytes. He’s right.

Conservatives Ponder The Sarah Palin Problem

Some on the right are beginning to realize that Sarah Palin’s popularity may cause a serious problem for the GOP in 2012.

TSA Forces Cancer Survivor To Show Prostestic Breast

Cathy Bossi, a U.S. Airways stewardess and cancer survivor, was forced to show her breast implants to TSA agents when her prosthetic implants triggered alarm during a pat-down.

TSA Grabs Junk

The Denver Post’s Craig Walker has captured this image of a TSA agent performing an “enhanced pat down.”

Idiotic Idea of the Day

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood wants to install devices in cars to disable cell phones.

Liberals, Tea Party Seem United In Ire For Debt Commission Proposal

The immediate reactions from left and right to the proposals from the Chairmen of the Debt Commission are about what you’d expect.

What Bristol Palin Tells Us About Sarah Palin’s Fans

Bristol Palin’s success on Dancing With The Stars is apparently due largely to the fact that she is Sarah Palin’s daughter. That tells us much more about Sarah Palin’s supporters than it does either Sarah or Bristol.

MSNBC Lifts Olbermann Suspension

The two episode suspension of Keith Olbermann lends credence to the theory that the whole thing was a publicity stunt designed to support MSNBC’s assertion that its opinion shows are somehow more pure than the shows on FOX.

Olbermann Suspended For Refusing To Apologize, But Will He Return?

Keith Olbermann was reportedly suspended for failing to apologize for making political donations to Democratic candidates, but it really seems intended to serve to justify the illusion that MSNBC’s programming is not partisan.

Bachmann v. Hensarling A Microcosm Of Internal GOP Battles

The race between Jeb Hensarling and Michelle Bachmann for Chair of the House GOP Conference is a microcosm for a battle that is likely to take place within the GOP for the next two years.

Gary Johnson: 2012’s Ron Paul

He’s the darkest of dark horses right now, but Gary Johnson stands as the heir apparent to Ron Paul’s surprisingly energetic 2008 run for the GOP nomination.

Keith Olbermann’s Donations To Democrats: Much Ado About Nothing

Politico runs this morning with the shocking revelation that Keith Olbermann is a Democrat.

Stewart And Colbert Rally For Sanity And/Or Fear, And Take A Jab At The Media

The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear ended up having a point after all, but it’s not one that anyone is likely to take to heart.

MSNBC.com Changing Name?

MSNBC.com is contemplating a name change to distinguish their brand from that of a left-leaning cable news channel.

Do Jews Really Control the Media?

Responding to the rant that got Rick Sanchez fired, Slate’s Brian Palmer investigates the question, “Do Jews Really Control the Media?” His short answer, “Maybe the movies, but not the news.”

Political Stink Bugs