Social Conservatives Boycott CPAC 2011 Over Invite To GOProud

As they did last year, several top social conservative activist groups are boycotting next year’s Conservative Political Action Conference over the extension of an invitation to a gay conservative group, and nobody seems to care that they won’t be there.

Tax Deal Debate A Preview Of Race For GOP Nomination

The internal debate in the Republican Party over the tax cut extension deal with President Obama is serving as a preview of some of the battles that may erupt during the race for the party’s nomination in 2012.

Republican Hypocrisy On Pork Barrel Spending

The incoming House Republicans aren’t making a good first impression.

A Quick Word or Two for the No Labels Folks.

Has anyone told Mike Bloomberg that “No Labels” is, well, a label?

Why The Supreme Court Is Likely To Uphold ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate

Despite yesterday’s victory for opponents of the Affordable Care Act, the prospects in the Supreme Court are not good.

Conservatives For Higher Taxes

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and, when it comes to the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, anti-tax Republicans are making common cause with soak-the-rich progressives.

Why Were Republicans Silent During The Bush Years?

Republicans were largely silent during the Bush Administration as spending went out of control. Will they do that again?

Sweet Deals: Tax Package Set for Senate Vote

The Senate has constructed the legislation to correspond to the Obama-McConnell deal, sweeteners and all.

Krauthammer Declares Obama the Winner of the Tax Debate

Krauthammer thinks Obama tricked the GOP into agreeing to Stimulus II.

Anti-Earmark Republicans Looking For Ways Around Earmark Ban

Just weeks after voting for a broad ban on earmarks, Republicans are looking for ways to get money to their districts without calling it an “earmark.”

How Can Obama Be a Commie and Cut Taxes for the Rich?

Did Obama’s tax cut deal demolish the Republican charge that he’s a radical? Not hardly.

Obama’s Sister Souljah Moment?

President Obama’s press conference yesterday, bitterly railing against Democrats in the Congress for being “purist” and “sanctimonious,” is brilliant triangulation.

The 17th Amendment, Federalism, And Reversing History

Would returning to indirect election of Senators really have a significant impact on the growth of the Federal Government? Probably not.

Incoming House Majority Leader Endorses Plan To Destroy Constitution

Incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is speaking positively about an Amendment that would drastically alter the relationship between the Federal Government and the states, and a method of ratifying it that could do serious damage to the Constitution as a whole.

A Republican Civil War: Unlikely Or Inevitable?

The Republican Party is united on the issues in a way it hasn’t been in a long time, but personalities threaten to tear the fragile coalition apart.

Joe Scarborough: Time For GOP To Man Up And Take On Sarah Palin

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wants the GOP to stop kowtowing to Sarah Palin and her acolytes. He’s right.

Joe Miller: From Alaska Maverick To Sore Loser

Nearly four weeks after Election Day, Alaska’s Joe Miller still won’t concede the inevitable.

The GOP Dilemma: Tea Party Not Representative Of America As A Whole

According to a new poll, the Tea Party movement, which is largely now the base of the GOP, is not completely in step with the views of American voters as a whole.

Will Republicans Play Chicken With The Debt Ceiling Vote?

Within the first few months of 2011, Congress will be required to take another unpalatable vote to raise the debt ceiling. Already, some incoming Republicans are talking about waging an effort to block the vote. That would be politically, and financially, stupid.

From “Don’t Tread On Me” To “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Are the American people finally waking up to the absurdity of TSA security theater? One can only hope they are.

Republican Circular Firing Squad Goes After Critics Of Jim DeMint

The battle between social and fiscal conservatives continues, with the SoCons now saying that criticism of South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is now considered evidence of ideological impurity.

Tea Party Group Vows No More Christine O’Donnell’s Or Sharron Angle’s

At least one group of Tea Party activists seems to realize that their biggest mistake of the 2010 election cycle was backing candidates like Christine O’Donnell who turned out to be their own worst enemies.

Social Conservatives Respond To Tea Party Call For Truce On Social Issues

The response from social conservatives to the call for a truce on social issues is about what you’d expect.

Will The Class Of 2010 Repeat The Mistakes Of 1994?

The incoming freshman of the 112th Congress say that they won’t repeat the mistakes that Republicans made when they gained power sixteen years ago, but some of the advice they’re getting virtually guarantees it will happen if they aren’t careful.

Republicans Urged To Avoid Social Issues

The GOP is being urged to avoid social issues and concentrate on reducing spending, shrinking government, and economic freedom. It’s a good idea.

Meet The Tea Party’s Next Target

Maine’s Olympia Snowe appears to be the next target of the Tea Party movement, but she is also uniquely situated to retain her seat if she chooses to.

Bush’s Apologia Should Not Be Accepted

Former Congressman Bob Barr argues that the right should not be so eager to rehabilitate George W. Bush. He’s right.

The Senate’s Most Conservative Member: Eliminating Earmarks Won’t Save One Dime

Okahoma’s James Inhofe has a message for the Tea Party movement — don’t be fooled by the “War On Earmarks.”

Liberals, Tea Party Seem United In Ire For Debt Commission Proposal

The immediate reactions from left and right to the proposals from the Chairmen of the Debt Commission are about what you’d expect.

Election Hangover Caption Contest Winners

The Election Hangover Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

What Bristol Palin Tells Us About Sarah Palin’s Fans

Bristol Palin’s success on Dancing With The Stars is apparently due largely to the fact that she is Sarah Palin’s daughter. That tells us much more about Sarah Palin’s supporters than it does either Sarah or Bristol.

Earmark Reform Isn’t Just Symbolism

Eliminating earmarks is good policy and good politics.