Background on the FARC (and Remembering the FARC’s Terrible, Horrible, no Good, very Bad Year+)

The seeds of the current peace deal date back to 2007-2008 (plus some longer-term background notes).

Major Step Forward for Colombian Peace Process

Peace between the FARC and the Colombian state appears nigh.

Marriage Equality Is Coming To Mexico

Thanks largely to a series of court decisions, same-sex marriage is effectively legal in all of Mexico.

Questions About Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation Could Dog Hillary’s Campaign

New allegations regarding foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation seem likely to become a campaign issue.

US-Latin American Relations

Some thoughts on a column by Roger Noriega on the Obama administration and Latin America,

Another Secret Service Breach Put Armed Man With Criminal Record In Elevator With Obama

The security lapses at the Secret Service just continue to mount.

White House Fence Jumper Got Deep Inside The Building

Last week’s security breach just became a lot more serious.

The New York Times Endorses Marijuana Legalization

The Grey Lady sees the light on a major part of the War On Drugs.

Colombia’s Presidential Elections

Looking back at the first round and forward to the second.

The USA v. the FARC

Newly disclosed details about the US role in Colombia.

Just How Bad Was Security At Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service?

Apparently, the security at Tuesday’s memorial for Nelson Mandela was so lax as to be nearly non-existent.

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

We spend more per capita than any other country in the world and yet we are outperformed on a key metric, life expectancy, by a large number of countries

Iran, Hezbollah and Latin America?

The same story yet again.

Atlantic Council Awards Dinner 2013

Last night, the Atlantic Council honored Hillary Rodham Clinton, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, John S. Watson, Tony Bennett, and Juanes.

Reflections on the Panama Canal

The Canal made a number of impressions.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

FARC Ceasefire Deadline on the Horizon

The negotiations continue.

Governing Requires Compromise

There are factions of the American right that really need to understand this.

Latin American Leaders Question War On Drugs In U.N. Speeches

Our War On Drugs is having a disastrous impact on our neighbors to the south, and they’re starting to notice.

More on Voter ID

Another study shows that voter ID laws negatively affect a lot of Americans.

Debunking The Fast & Furious Gun Control Conspiracy

There’s no evidence that Fast & Furious, whatever it was, was a conspiracy to lobby for tighter gun control laws.

The War On (Some) Drugs Has Killed More Mexicans Than Fast & Furious

America’s Drug War has caused more problems for Mexico than Fast & Furious ever will.

A Comparative Note on Amendment Processes

We, as Americans, tend to have a limited knowledge of the institutional variation that exists across democratic systems around the world.